
Environmental policy and public goods focus on externalities in the context of producing goods and services, but like many concepts in our course, these ideas are very applicable to our daily lives.

1) Identify and describe a situation where you have experienced either a positive or negative externality.

2) State clearly what the external cost or benefit is.

3) Estimate the dollar value of the externality. You may not be sure how to do this, so consider asking yourself the following: If it's a positive externality, what is the highest price you would be willing to pay for the external benefit you received? If it's a negative externality, what is the lowest price you would be willing to accept as compensation for the external cost you are bearing?

4) Recommend either a tax or subsidy amount that the externality creator should pay or receive (to internalize the externality€) based on the number of people affected. You may assume that everyone affected has the same valuation for the externality as you do.

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Joshua Stredder
Joshua StredderLv10
28 Sep 2019

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