
1) If actual (equilibrium ) real GDP is less than the full-employment, or natural, level of real GDP, then wages and other input prices are expected to:

a. fall and SRAS to shift to the left until long-run equilibrium is achieved.

b. fall and SRAS to shift to the right until long-run equilibrium is achieved.

c. rise and SRAS to shift to the left until long-run equilibrium is achieved.

d. rise and SRAS to shift to the right until long-run equilibrium is achieved.

2) In a self-regulating economy, inflationary gaps are automatically eliminated in the long run by:

a. decreases in wage rates that cause short-run aggregate supply to shift rightward.

b. decreases in wage rates that cause short-run aggregate supply to shift leftward.

c. increases in wage rates that cause short-run aggregate supply to shift rightward.

d. increases in wage rates that cause short-run aggregate supply to shift leftward.

3) Assume the economy is initially in equilibrium at the full-employment level of real GDP. If businesses and consumers become pessimistic regarding future economic conditions, ceteris paribus, the aggregate demand curve will shift to the ________, causing the level of output to ______.

a. left; fall

b. right; fall

c. left; rise

d. right; rise

4) Economists that advocate a macroeconomic policy of laissez-faire:

a. believe the economy is self-regulating only if the government intervenes to move the economy to equilibrium at natural real GDP.

b. believe the economy is self-regulating and will automatically move to equilibrium at natural real GDP in the long run.

c. also advocate central planning and government control of resources.

d. also advocate active government intervention in the economy.

5) Which of the following summarizes the process for closing a recessionary gap if the economy is self-regulating?

a. Labor shortages put upward pressure on wages, which leads to higher costs of production and a decrease in short-run aggregate supply.

b. Labor shortages put downward pressure on wages, which leads to increases in employment and spending and an increase in aggregate demand.

c. Unemployed resources put upward pressure on the price level, which leads to higher wages, increases in spending, and increases in aggregate demand.

d. Unemployed resources put downward pressure on the price level, which leads to lower costs of production and an increase in short-run aggregate supply.

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Yusra Anees
Yusra AneesLv10
28 Sep 2019
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