
1. Marginal resource cost is

A) the increase in total resource cost associated with the production of one more unit of output.

B) the increase in total resource cost associated with the hire of one more unit of the resource.

C) total resource cost divided by the number of inputs employed.

D) the change in total revenue associated with the employment of one more unit of the resource.

2. Which of the following increases in labour demand is due to a change in the price of a related resource?

A) Software sales rise, thus increasing the demand for software developers.

B) Snowboarding increases in popularity, thus increasing the demand for the workers who make snowboards.

C) A decrease in the price of wood decreases the cost of furniture, thus increasing the demand for furniture workers.

D) A technological change increases output per worker in the computer industry, thus increasing the demand for computer workers.

3 The labour demand curve of a firm

A) will shift to the left if the price of the product the labour is producing falls.

B) is perfectly elastic if the firm is selling its product in a purely competitive market.

C) reflects a direct relationship between the number of workers hired and the money wage rate.

D) is the same as its marginal product curve.

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Insha Fatima
Insha FatimaLv10
28 Sep 2019
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