
13. If a monopolistic competitor is producing an output for which marginal revenue is $40 and the marginal cost is $32, to maximize profits the firm should
A. decrease the level of output.
B. keep the level of output constant.
C. continue to make $8 per unit.
D. increase the level of output.

14. A monopolistic competitor will not make an economic profit unless
A. it engages in price discrimination.
B. its marginal revenue is greater than its marginal cost.
C. it faces an inelastic demand curve.
D. its price is greater than its average total cost.

15. The definition of monopolistic competition includes
A. few firms and ease of entry and exit.
B. few firms and barriers to entry and exit.
C. many firms and barriers to entry and exit.
D. many firms and ease of entry and exit.

16. Characteristics of monopolistic competition include all of the following except
A. significant barriers to entry.
B. a relatively large number of sellers and buyers.
C. small market share for each seller.
D. differentiated products.

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Joshua Stredder
Joshua StredderLv10
28 Sep 2019
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