
1. The market in which loans are bought and sold is called the:


loan market.


money market.


secondary loan market.


primary loan market.

2. Which of the following is omitted in a barter transaction?




medium of exchange


store of value



3. If Bill performs plumbing upgrades for Alice in exchange for her incorporating his business, then their _________________________ will be satisfied.


balance of trade


double coincidence of wants


convenience of exchange


division of labour

4. If loans become far less available, then sectors of the economy that ______________ like business investment, home construction, and car manufacturing can be dealt a crushing blow.


depend on borrowed money


typically generate extraordinary gains


make loans to financial capital markets


failed to diversify risk

5. Stealth bank has deposits of $600 million. It holds reserves of $30 million and government bonds worth $80 million. If the bank sells its loans at the market value of $400 million, what will its total assets equal?


$110 million


$710 million


$480 million


$510 million

6. Lance paid $175,000 for his house in 2003 and sold it for $325,000 in 2006. What function did the house serve during the time Lance owned it?


medium of exchange


unit of account


store of value


unit of exchange

7.Which of the following terms is considered to be a narrow definition of the money supply that includes, among other things, currency?









8. Which of the following institutions determines the quantity of money in the economy as its most important task?


U.S. Department of the Treasury


Federal Open Market Committee


Central Bank


Federal Reserve Board of Governors

9. How are the specific interest rates for the lending and borrowing markets determined?


U.S. Treasury Department Board policy


by the forces of supply and demand


through open market operations


by altering the discount rate

10.When the central bank lowers the reserve requirement on deposits:


the money supply increases and interest rates decrease.


the money supply and interest rates decrease.


the money supply and interest rates increase.


the money supply decreases and interest rates increase.

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Insha Fatima
Insha FatimaLv10
28 Sep 2019

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