
Q30. The higher the reserve requirement,
a. the more the money supply can expand
b. the more interest the bank will earn on its reserve account
c. the less the money supply can expand
d. both the more the money supply can expand and the more interest the bank will earn on its reserve account

Q31. If depositors withdraw their funds and create a shortage of reserves, bankers
a. have no alternative but to call in outstanding loans
b. can borrow reserves from the Fed
c. must close their operations until their reserves increase
d. must sell bank stock to replenish reserves

Q32. If a bank has excess reserves,
a. its reserves are greater than its liabilities
b. it can make a loan if it wishes
c. it cannot make a loan if it wishes
d. it must borrow from the Fed

Q33. Which of the following is most influenced by changes in the discount rate?
a. the interest rate paid on savings
b. the commercial loan rate
c. the installment loan rate
d. the mortgage loan rate

Q34. The Federal Reserve System is built around
a. four regional banks
b. six regional banks
c. twelve district banks
d. one bank with several branches

Q35. The interest rate at which banks borrow excess reserves from each other is known as the
a. prime rate
b. federal funds rate
c. discount rate
d. T-bill rate

Q36. If the U. S. government increases spending, the U. S. Treasury
a. has the legal right to issue currency to pay for the spending
b. does not have the legal right to issue currency to pay for the spending
c. usually pays for the spending by selling bonds directly to the Fed
d. seldom pays for the spending by selling bonds to the public

Q37. Forces within the economy that naturally tend to counteract recessions and inflation are known as
a. discretionary stabilizers
b. automatic stabilizers
c. demand-management policies
d. fiscal dividends

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Samantha Balando
Samantha BalandoLv7
28 Sep 2019
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