
1. 440,000 people are residing in Riverside. Among them, 80% of the population is the civilian labor force. 15% of the civilian labor force lost their jobs because their job skills are not required any longer. 30% of civilian workers are unemployed because the current wage is fixed at a very high rate. An a. Classify the civilian labor force in Riverside into one of the following unemployment types: structural, and frictional unemployment and explain why. (At least 200 words) b. Discuss at least two potential public policies that could reduce unemployment rates in Part A. (At least 200 words) c. Calculate how many of the civilian labor force (not percentage) in Riverside would fall into each type of unemployment. (Show mathematical steps in detail to receive full credits). d. Calculate the total number of employed workers in Riverside (Show mathematical steps in detail to receive full credits).

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Chika Ilonah
Chika IlonahLv10
28 Sep 2019

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