




Which one of the following will be an automatic stabilizer

A. Board of Governors and the 12 Federal Reserve Banks

GDP is the market value of

B. Structural

A decrease in government spending will cause

C. Real GDP is adjusted for changes in the price level.

An increase in aggregate demand is most likely to be caused by a decrease in

D. Price of one nation's currency in terms of another nation's currency

Which is one of the three types of unemployment

E. Two countries are comparatively able in producing what they need, however choices to engage in international trade

The Federal Reserve System consist of how many members and how many locations

F. People receive loans from their banks.

Foreign exchange rates refer to the

G. Real GDP.

Money is "created" when

H. Discount Rate

Fiscal policy is enacted through changes in

I. Private investment is crowded out by public spending

The tools of monetary policy for altering the reserves of commercial banks are the

J. All final goods and services produced in an economy in a given year.

The Federal funds rate is the rate that banks pay for loans from?

K. The tax rates on household income.

What is meant by the crowding out effect

L. Decrease in aggregate demand.

The goal of expansionary fiscal policy is to increase

M. Unemployment insurance

Nominal GDP differs from real GDP because

N. Discount rate, reserve ratio, open market operations, and term auction

What is meant by comparative advantage

O. Taxation and government spending.

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Samantha Balando
Samantha BalandoLv7
28 Sep 2019

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