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in Computer Science·
4 Nov 2023

How to learn python in 1 hour? It’s possible?                

Python Tutorial - Python Full Course for Beginners in Tamil Error Makes Clever Academy

Foreign music foreign opening music foreign

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first start learning in the box is music foreign apple colon print i in the syntax within our soul driver first in the line of programming here thank you a p p l e one two three four five foreign laughter music foreign music foreign foreign for i

in Computer Science·
3 Nov 2023

From 1946 to 1990, the Big Ten Conference consisted of the University of Illinois, Indiana University, University of Iowa, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Northwestern University, Ohio State University, Purdue University, and University of Wisconsin. In 1990, the conference added Pennsylvania State University. In 2011, the conference added the University of Nebraska. In 2014, the University of Maryland and Rutgers University were added to the conference with speculation of more schools being added in the future.


The file BigTenExpand contains data on the football stadium capacity, latitude, longitude, endowment, and enrollment of 59 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) schools. Treat the 10 schools that were members of the Big Ten from 1946 to 1990 as being in a cluster and the other 49 schools as each being in their own cluster.

  1. Using Euclidean distance to measure dissimilarity between observations, determine which school (in its own cluster of one) that hierarchical clustering with complete linkage would recommend integrating into the Big Ten Conference. That is, which school is the most similar with respect to complete linkage to the cluster of ten schools that were members of the Big Ten from 1946 to 1990?
  2. Add the single school identified in (1) to create a cluster of 11 schools representing a hypothetical Big Ten Conference. Repeat the calculations to identify the school most similar with respect to complete linkage to this new cluster of 11 schools.
  3. Add the school identified in (2) to create a cluster of 12 schools representing a hypothetical Big Ten Conference. Repeat the calculations to identify the school most similar with respect to complete linkage to this new cluster of 12 schools.
  4. Add the school identified in (3) to create a cluster of 13 schools representing a hypothetical Big Ten Conference. Repeat the calculations to identify the school most similar with respect to complete linkage to this new cluster of 13 schools. Add this school to create a 14-school cluster.
  5. How does the hypothetical 14-team cluster created in (4) compare to the actual 14-team Big Ten Conference? For both the hypothetical 14-team Big Ten Conference and the actual 14-team Big Ten Conference, compute the cluster centroid, the distance from each cluster member to the cluster centroid, and average distance between the observations in the cluster. What do you observe when comparing these two clusters? Which cluster has the smaller average distance between observations? Is this surprising? Explain.
  6. Managerial Report, Excel .xlsx file, and PPT fileof the problem presentation with the problem solution analysis
  Candidates:             School StadiumCapacity Latitude Longitude Endowment ($000) Enrollment 1 Duke  -0.74515141 -1.300045853 0.915912002 2.544922985 -1.050282818 2 Maryland  0.111358164 -0.138951578 1.231986666 -0.2651109 0.911822867 3 North Carolina State 0.264350527 -1.361065861 0.956808902 -0.363877232 0.662673619 4 North Carolina 0.49479981 -1.320382904 0.895854619 0.567970634 0.164020841 5 Virginia  0.431604528 -0.50804171 0.984424237 1.98532706 -0.20886161 6 Virginia Tech 0.633701333 -0.817872556 0.674337675 -0.373507937 0.323359446 7 Wake Forest -0.849380926 -1.253200947 0.70075523 -0.114026658 -1.765579415 8 Iowa State 0.154057679 1.026631711 -1.432185292 -0.36691036 0.20600333 9 Kansas  -0.056408231 -0.151739047 -1.692329355 -0.00504443 0.057913198 10 Kansas State -0.059439896 -0.064241986 -1.905352822 -0.52274758 -0.303100786 11 Oklahoma  1.311726934 -1.497711435 -2.052762412 -0.026830328 0.30626531 12 Oklahoma State 0.376863749 -1.497711435 -2.052762412 -0.327522793 -0.270506785 13 West Virginia 0.390612993 0.107305772 0.750737953 -0.491820337 0.206534754 14 Cincinnati  -0.699932623 -0.083608387 0.023485011 -0.144580218 0.440981274 15 Louisville  0.196757195 -0.43592642 -0.173676014 -0.276254484 -0.543127256 16 Pittsburgh  0.583187807 0.416696149 0.746439418 0.719047505 0.131161128 17 Rutgers  0.045344714 0.43486666 1.629382017 -0.318017405 1.121735316 18 Syracuse  -0.090952138 1.418475699 1.358200152 -0.196014672 -0.571824148 19 Temple  0.731867518 0.250214942 1.519317648 -0.55491552 0.847609144 20 Nebraska  1.268130729 0.561925099 -1.921025795 -0.010071857 -0.238444209 21 Penn State 2.38647373 0.353876532 1.24001262 0.264129363 1.624639486 22 Charlotte  -1.541113072 -1.601475827 0.609516466 -0.634198726 -0.177861882 23 East Carolina -0.059439896 -1.44658928 1.161816151 -0.641208545 0.008933626 24 Marshall  -0.571150886 -0.363464608 0.354245565 -0.66657874 -1.179684542 25 Memphis  0.469180101 -1.636878928 -0.854583627 -0.603494898 -0.403894189 26 Old Dominion -1.348196662 -0.937056451 1.342098442 -0.617605265 -0.224272904 27 Tulsa  -0.676789486 -1.243325041 -1.797837725 -0.259941711 -2.054231174 28 Army  -0.486435048 0.772127113 1.696073321 -0.672600767 -2.007111586 29 Navy  -0.742632139 -0.148350822 1.300902417 -0.663193477 -2.011362978 30 Notre Dame 1.255491673 0.892623561 -0.257402957 2.835375737 -1.353460164 31 Akron  -0.913430199 0.663571849 0.49986072 -0.616847125 0.016373561 32 Ball State -1.233676563 0.292216227 -0.50909632 -0.634560501 -0.455088027 33 Bowling Green -1.181412356 0.776884874 0.159888404 -0.633702561 -0.859855913 34 Buffalo  -0.955574621 1.360237116 0.92473653 -0.433533702 0.13948677 35 Central Michigan -0.904932996 1.632354708 -0.01997824 -0.665752555 0.080498714 36 Eastern Michigan -0.904890296 1.111664608 0.164723897 -0.687394424 -0.349334667 37 Kent State -0.891226451 0.689240349 0.525242031 -0.692980392 0.050473263 38 Miami University -1.153145277 0.057259378 -0.01502846 -0.485543707 -0.875975772 39 Northern Illinois -0.870816083 0.990931755 -0.65424906 -0.685812933 -0.380422966 40 Ohio  -1.16962729 -0.012618913 0.4081514 -0.523575467 -0.096022598 41 Toledo  -1.07363878 0.888253521 0.171021978 -0.602182754 -0.414079814 42 Western Michigan -0.909160248 1.123407888 -0.149275242 -0.601580552 -0.194778876 43 Kentucky  0.692327767 -0.506002614 0.030906808 -0.194732014 -0.005237678 44 Missouri  0.83742072 -0.155108021 -1.224852237 -0.079560482 0.577468651 45 Tennessee  2.180363171 -1.302310959 0.112818725 -0.233061473 0.257640021 46 Vanderbilt  -0.495401946 -1.226460921 -0.340265882 1.222082883 -1.279769381 47 Arkansas State -0.872267866 -1.361112834 -0.962929221 -0.691716447 -1.185530205 48 Middle Tennessee -0.870730684 -1.348960272 -0.277976707 -0.677488701 -0.07467707 49 Western Kentucky -1.25502632 -0.917611505 -0.285422926 -0.649224305 -0.553490023                 Big Ten             School StadiumCapacity Latitude Longitude Endowment ($000) Enrollment 1 Illinois  0.39616393 0.291098113 -0.576520912 0.193512318 1.516494718 2 Indiana  0.065626984 -0.07379062 -0.299015746 0.178889342 1.368050303 3 Iowa  0.819529623 0.886058875 -1.098502436 -0.122052057 0.22362889 4 Michigan State 1.00911547 1.301000932 0.026938684 -0.533940497 1.830654826 5 Michigan  2.707659483 1.123658154 0.147208124 3.728560154 1.366721743 6 Minnesota  -0.025066787 2.158029349 -1.374918363 0.705385671 2.238345543 7 Northwestern  -0.091208336 1.035487299 -0.485474329 3.358842341 -0.648083481 8 Ohio State 2.174983032 0.243329145 0.265878343 0.488439062 2.62008506 9 Purdue  0.474304043 0.418798388 -0.360553436 0.420896539 1.094012701 10 Wisconsin  1.235252102 1.433391974 -0.755704228 0.347935893 1.342364813
in Computer Science·
3 Nov 2023

From 1946 to 1990, the Big Ten Conference consisted of the University of Illinois, Indiana University, University of Iowa, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Northwestern University, Ohio State University, Purdue University, and University of Wisconsin. In 1990, the conference added Pennsylvania State University. In 2011, the conference added the University of Nebraska. In 2014, the University of Maryland and Rutgers University were added to the conference with speculation of more schools being added in the future.


The file BigTenExpand contains data on the football stadium capacity, latitude, longitude, endowment, and enrollment of 59 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) schools. Treat the 10 schools that were members of the Big Ten from 1946 to 1990 as being in a cluster and the other 49 schools as each being in their own cluster.

  1. Using Euclidean distance to measure dissimilarity between observations, determine which school (in its own cluster of one) that hierarchical clustering with complete linkage would recommend integrating into the Big Ten Conference. That is, which school is the most similar with respect to complete linkage to the cluster of ten schools that were members of the Big Ten from 1946 to 1990?
  2. Add the single school identified in (1) to create a cluster of 11 schools representing a hypothetical Big Ten Conference. Repeat the calculations to identify the school most similar with respect to complete linkage to this new cluster of 11 schools.
  3. Add the school identified in (2) to create a cluster of 12 schools representing a hypothetical Big Ten Conference. Repeat the calculations to identify the school most similar with respect to complete linkage to this new cluster of 12 schools.
  4. Add the school identified in (3) to create a cluster of 13 schools representing a hypothetical Big Ten Conference. Repeat the calculations to identify the school most similar with respect to complete linkage to this new cluster of 13 schools. Add this school to create a 14-school cluster.
  5. How does the hypothetical 14-team cluster created in (4) compare to the actual 14-team Big Ten Conference? For both the hypothetical 14-team Big Ten Conference and the actual 14-team Big Ten Conference, compute the cluster centroid, the distance from each cluster member to the cluster centroid, and average distance between the observations in the cluster. What do you observe when comparing these two clusters? Which cluster has the smaller average distance between observations? Is this surprising? Explain.
  6. Managerial Report, Excel .xlsx file, and PPT fileof the problem presentation with the problem solution analysis
  Candidates:             School StadiumCapacity Latitude Longitude Endowment ($000) Enrollment 1 Duke  -0.74515141 -1.300045853 0.915912002 2.544922985 -1.050282818 2 Maryland  0.111358164 -0.138951578 1.231986666 -0.2651109 0.911822867 3 North Carolina State 0.264350527 -1.361065861 0.956808902 -0.363877232 0.662673619 4 North Carolina 0.49479981 -1.320382904 0.895854619 0.567970634 0.164020841 5 Virginia  0.431604528 -0.50804171 0.984424237 1.98532706 -0.20886161 6 Virginia Tech 0.633701333 -0.817872556 0.674337675 -0.373507937 0.323359446 7 Wake Forest -0.849380926 -1.253200947 0.70075523 -0.114026658 -1.765579415 8 Iowa State 0.154057679 1.026631711 -1.432185292 -0.36691036 0.20600333 9 Kansas  -0.056408231 -0.151739047 -1.692329355 -0.00504443 0.057913198 10 Kansas State -0.059439896 -0.064241986 -1.905352822 -0.52274758 -0.303100786 11 Oklahoma  1.311726934 -1.497711435 -2.052762412 -0.026830328 0.30626531 12 Oklahoma State 0.376863749 -1.497711435 -2.052762412 -0.327522793 -0.270506785 13 West Virginia 0.390612993 0.107305772 0.750737953 -0.491820337 0.206534754 14 Cincinnati  -0.699932623 -0.083608387 0.023485011 -0.144580218 0.440981274 15 Louisville  0.196757195 -0.43592642 -0.173676014 -0.276254484 -0.543127256 16 Pittsburgh  0.583187807 0.416696149 0.746439418 0.719047505 0.131161128 17 Rutgers  0.045344714 0.43486666 1.629382017 -0.318017405 1.121735316 18 Syracuse  -0.090952138 1.418475699 1.358200152 -0.196014672 -0.571824148 19 Temple  0.731867518 0.250214942 1.519317648 -0.55491552 0.847609144 20 Nebraska  1.268130729 0.561925099 -1.921025795 -0.010071857 -0.238444209 21 Penn State 2.38647373 0.353876532 1.24001262 0.264129363 1.624639486 22 Charlotte  -1.541113072 -1.601475827 0.609516466 -0.634198726 -0.177861882 23 East Carolina -0.059439896 -1.44658928 1.161816151 -0.641208545 0.008933626 24 Marshall  -0.571150886 -0.363464608 0.354245565 -0.66657874 -1.179684542 25 Memphis  0.469180101 -1.636878928 -0.854583627 -0.603494898 -0.403894189 26 Old Dominion -1.348196662 -0.937056451 1.342098442 -0.617605265 -0.224272904 27 Tulsa  -0.676789486 -1.243325041 -1.797837725 -0.259941711 -2.054231174 28 Army  -0.486435048 0.772127113 1.696073321 -0.672600767 -2.007111586 29 Navy  -0.742632139 -0.148350822 1.300902417 -0.663193477 -2.011362978 30 Notre Dame 1.255491673 0.892623561 -0.257402957 2.835375737 -1.353460164 31 Akron  -0.913430199 0.663571849 0.49986072 -0.616847125 0.016373561 32 Ball State -1.233676563 0.292216227 -0.50909632 -0.634560501 -0.455088027 33 Bowling Green -1.181412356 0.776884874 0.159888404 -0.633702561 -0.859855913 34 Buffalo  -0.955574621 1.360237116 0.92473653 -0.433533702 0.13948677 35 Central Michigan -0.904932996 1.632354708 -0.01997824 -0.665752555 0.080498714 36 Eastern Michigan -0.904890296 1.111664608 0.164723897 -0.687394424 -0.349334667 37 Kent State -0.891226451 0.689240349 0.525242031 -0.692980392 0.050473263 38 Miami University -1.153145277 0.057259378 -0.01502846 -0.485543707 -0.875975772 39 Northern Illinois -0.870816083 0.990931755 -0.65424906 -0.685812933 -0.380422966 40 Ohio  -1.16962729 -0.012618913 0.4081514 -0.523575467 -0.096022598 41 Toledo  -1.07363878 0.888253521 0.171021978 -0.602182754 -0.414079814 42 Western Michigan -0.909160248 1.123407888 -0.149275242 -0.601580552 -0.194778876 43 Kentucky  0.692327767 -0.506002614 0.030906808 -0.194732014 -0.005237678 44 Missouri  0.83742072 -0.155108021 -1.224852237 -0.079560482 0.577468651 45 Tennessee  2.180363171 -1.302310959 0.112818725 -0.233061473 0.257640021 46 Vanderbilt  -0.495401946 -1.226460921 -0.340265882 1.222082883 -1.279769381 47 Arkansas State -0.872267866 -1.361112834 -0.962929221 -0.691716447 -1.185530205 48 Middle Tennessee -0.870730684 -1.348960272 -0.277976707 -0.677488701 -0.07467707 49 Western Kentucky -1.25502632 -0.917611505 -0.285422926 -0.649224305 -0.553490023                 Big Ten             School StadiumCapacity Latitude Longitude Endowment ($000) Enrollment 1 Illinois  0.39616393 0.291098113 -0.576520912 0.193512318 1.516494718 2 Indiana  0.065626984 -0.07379062 -0.299015746 0.178889342 1.368050303 3 Iowa  0.819529623 0.886058875 -1.098502436 -0.122052057 0.22362889 4 Michigan State 1.00911547 1.301000932 0.026938684 -0.533940497 1.830654826 5 Michigan  2.707659483 1.123658154 0.147208124 3.728560154 1.366721743 6 Minnesota  -0.025066787 2.158029349 -1.374918363 0.705385671 2.238345543 7 Northwestern  -0.091208336 1.035487299 -0.485474329 3.358842341 -0.648083481 8 Ohio State 2.174983032 0.243329145 0.265878343 0.488439062 2.62008506 9 Purdue  0.474304043 0.418798388 -0.360553436 0.420896539 1.094012701 10 Wisconsin  1.235252102 1.433391974 -0.755704228 0.347935893 1.342364813

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