13 Dec 2019

What is surface tension? Why do molecules at the surface of a liquid behave differently from those within the interior? Answer by selecting ALL true statements.

A) A molecule at the surface has a higher potential energy than a molecule in the bulk of the liquid.
B) A molecule at the surface has a lower potential energy than a molecule in the bulk of the liquid.
C) Surface tension is not related to the energy needed to increase its surface area.
D) Surface tension is related to the tendency of a liquid to maximize its surface area.
E) Surface tension is related to the tendency of a liquid to minimize its surface area.
F) Surface tension is directly proportional to the energy needed to increase its surface area.

I've tried a combination of B, E, and F, but they were incorrect. Please help me figure out what I am missing or have mistakened.

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
17 Dec 2019
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