13 Dec 2019

Objective : Calculate the molar mass of CO2 (dry ice). Make sure this is handwritten in the lab notebook.

Procedure :

Note : During the lab, look for a qualitative observation that proves CO2(g) is denser than air.

(1)Weigh the empty 250mL Erlenmeyer flask with a rubber stopper on.

(2)Obtain few small pieces of CO2(s) in the flask. The total amount should be close to the given rubber stopper in size. Let it sublime. Make sure the pieces are small enough so you can see them ‘sing’ and ‘dance’.

(3) When sublimation is done, cap it with the stopper and weigh it. We are assuming that the container is completely filled with CO2 at this point.

(4) Measure the temperature of CO2.

(5) Fill the flask all the way to the rim with water and put the rubber stopper on. Water will spill over. Pour the water into 50mL/100mL graduated cylinder (multiple times) and measure the total volume of water.

(6) Measure pressure of the air using the barometer on the wall.


(A1) Calculate the moles of CO2 using PV=nRT.

(A2) Calculate the molar mass of CO2.


I have provided all of the procedure.

ANswer this question only -->

What would happen to the final result if the CO2(s) sample was too small (not enough) to fill the flask?


answer this one question above clearly. explain step by step.


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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
17 Dec 2019

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