12 Dec 2019

As one gains altitude in the atmosphere, based on the ionization energies shown below, which sequence of mole fractions is the correct one?


N2 + hv > N2 + e- =Ionization Energy is 1495kj/mol

O2 + hv > O2 + e- =Ionization Energy is 1205kj/mol

O + hv > O + e- =Ionization Energy is 1313kj/mol

NO + hv > NO + e- =Ionization Energy is 890kj/mol

1. NO > O2 > O > N2

2. N2 > O2 > O > NO

3. N2 > O > O2 > NO

4. N2 > N > NO > O2

5. All will be equal.

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
13 Dec 2019

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