11 Dec 2019

NH3/NH4 buffer:

Mass NH4Cl used 1.3738g

volume NaOH used 21.2 ml

initial pH (0f the buffer) 9.6, pH after 1 drop HCl 9.03, pH after 10 drops HCl 8.91

Dilute NaOH solution

Initial pH 10.35

pH :1 drop HCl 10.21, 10 drops HCl 2.85

Acetate buffer (0.500)

Mass of CH3COONa * 3H2O 10.935

volume CH#COOH 44.3 ml

initial pH 4.89

1.0 ml of NaOH pH 4.93

initial volume 2.2

final volume 16.2

final pH 5.91

Acetate buffer (0.100)

Mass of CH3COONa * 3H2O 2.1603

volume CH3COOH 8.9 ml

initial volume 6.2

final volume 23.2

Initial pH 4.85

final pH 5.83

1. Show complete calculations for the buffering capacity of both the 0.500 M and 0.100 M acetate buffers.

2. Compare ability of your buffer solution to resist changes in pH with that of the strong base (NaOH). Why can the buffer resist the pH change? Comment on why NaOH does not function as a buffer.

3. How did the concentration of the buffers affect the buffering capacity? Explain your observations.

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
13 Dec 2019

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