26 Nov 2019

An alloy sample weighing 5.0g contains Cr. The Cr is chemicallyconverted to a K2Cr207 solution. The Cr207^2- ion in the solutionis completely and exactly converted to Cr^3+ by reacting it with4.73g of I2. What is the % Cr in the alloy?
Need to balance: Cr207^2- + I2 ---> Cr^3+ + IO3^-

You want to prepare 450.0 ml of a 145 pm K+ ion solution. Thedensity of the solution is 1.01g/mL. Disposal solution is 0.728MK2SO4. How many mL of the K2SO4 do you need to use?

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
3 Aug 2019

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