23 Nov 2019

This is for a practice exam for chemistry, I just want to make sureI answered them right. If i didnt answer some correctly can youplease show me how to get the correct answer. Its all multiplechoice, I will put a star next to the answer I got when i workedout the problem.

1) A solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4, 25.0 mL) was titrated tocompletion with 34.55mL of 0.1020M sodium hydroxide. What was theconcentration of the sulfuric acid?
a) 0.0353M
*b) 0.1410M
c) 0.07048M
d) 0.2819M
e) 0.0533M
2) the reaction with bromide gas with chlorine gas Br2 + Cl2<---> 2BrCl has a Kp of 7.20. If a closed vessel was chargedwith two reactants, each at an initial partial pressure of 0.5000atm, and the product also at 0.500 atm, what would be theequilibrium partial pressure of BrCl?
a) 0.987atm
b) 0.680 atm
c) 0.029 atm
*d) 0.500 atm
e) 0.859 atm
3) A buffer system is set up with [HA] = 2[A-]. if Pka= 5.5, whatis the pH of the buffer?
a) 7.5
b) 5.8
c) 5.2 ~this question I really had no idea how to do it, so ifanyone can please atleast show
d) 7.0 me how to do this problem.
*e) 3.5
4) what is the solubility of barium sulfate containing 0.050Msodium sulfate? The Ksp for barium sulfate if 1.1x10^-10
*a) 5.5x10^-11 M
b) 1.0x10^-5 M
c) 2.2x10^-9 M
d) 1.1x10^-10 M
e) 7.4x10^-6 M
5) what is the equilibrium concentration of Cu+(aq) in a solutionthat is 0.0200 M solution in CuNO3 and 0.450 M HCl(aq)? Cu+(aq) +3Cl-(aq) <----> CuCl3^2- Kf= 5x10^5
a) 1.0x10^-7 M
b) 5.0x10^5 M
c) 5.0x10^-7 M
*d) 4.4x10^-7 M
e) 7.4x10^-7 M
6) what is the pH of a 0.15 M solution of ammonium bromide? the Kbof ammonia is 1.8x10^-5.
I got 2.78
7) what is the pH of 0.20 M solution of ammonia? the Kb for ammoniais 1.8x10^-5.

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
13 Mar 2019

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