23 Nov 2019

My teacher is requiring an essay on the corrilation betweenscienceand society in a certain list of books. We are to pick onebookfrom a list of books he has chosen on which to base this essay.Iwould like to know if any of you have read any of thebooksprovided and could tell of their pertinence, over the othersoralone, to the topic at hand. I'll include the list and a briefwordfrom him on what to do. The essay isn't due till this Friday,butthis is my only off day to obtain and read the books.Thankyou!

[1] Adventures in theAtomicAge by Glenn Seaborg
[2] Uncle Tungsten byOliverSacks
[3] Periodic Table byPrimoLevi
[4] Marie Curie bySusanQuinn

Read any ONEofthe other books. Identify in the book a section orchapterthat combinesscience andsocietyor a humanstoryline. Write in your own words a piece that reflects the ethosandessence of this section. You can add your comments andreflectionstoo. Write ONE PAGE that may be suitable for a piece ina newspaper(read by themasses).I will begradingon: lucidity of thought combining science and society thatiscomprehensible by a person reading a news article, simplicity oftheEnglish language, clarity of concepts expressed, reflecting ontheembedded message of science and humanvalues.

He has also allowed us to choose from the books:

Science, Liberty and Peace by Aldous Huxley [Harper]
Modern Science and Modern Man by James B Conant [Anchor]
Person and Places by George Santayana [Scribner]
Philosophical Aspects of Modern Science by C E M Joad [Unwin]
The Aims of Education by Alfred North Whitehead [MentorBooks]
The Road Ahead by Bill Gates [Viking]
Adventures of Ideas by Alfred North Whitehead [Free Press]
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau [Dover]
Education and the Good Life by Bertrand Russel [Bonibooks]
Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol [Crown Publishers]
Modes of Thought by Alfred North Whitehead [Free Press]
The Death of Common Sense by Philip K Howard [Random House]
Science and Human Values by J Bronowski [Perennial / Harper&Row]
The Threat and the Glory by Peter Medawar [OxfordUniversityPress]
The World As I See It by Albert Einstein [Philosophical Library,NewYork]
Is Science Necessary by Max Perutz [Oxford University Press]
The Voice of the Dolphins by Leo Szilard [Simon &Schuster]
Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein [Bonanza Books]
The Heart of Philosophy by Jacob Needleman [Harper]
Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead by Lucien Price[MentorBooks]
The Origins of Scientific Thought by Giorgio de Santillana[MentorBooks]
Science, Liberty and Peace by Aldous Huxley [Harper]
Reason in Science by George Santayana [Collier]
The Philosophy of Civilization by Albert Schweitzer[Macmillan]
Illiberal Education by Dinesh D'Souza [Vintage Books /RandomHouse]
The Lost Art of Healing by Bernard Lown [Houghton Mifflin]
Amazing Grace by Jonathan Kozol [Crown]
The Decay and the Restoration of Civilization by AlbertSchweitzer[Unwin]

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