23 Nov 2019

1. Carbon is unique in part because it can
a. form covalent bonds b. become mental c. bond with othernonmetals d. form long chains of atoms

2. Which of the following is not an allotrope of carbon
a. graphite b. fullerene c. lead d. diamond

3.Vitamin C made in laboratory is
a. chemically identical to the vitamin c in oranges b. inferior tonatural compounds c. dangerous to consume d. weaker than naturalvitamin c

4. Which is not an organic compound?
a. C8H18 b. C6H12O6 c. CO2 d. CH2O

5. Which of the following formulas represents an alkane?
a. C3H6 b. C8H14 c. C5H10 d. C6H14

6. C6H12 could represent a(an)
a. alakane b. alkyne c. alkene d. benzene

7. A saturated hydrocarbon always has

a. only single bonds b. at least one double or triple bond c. aring d. more carbon atoms than hydrogen

8. A 6-carbon hydrocarbon that had two resonance structure is
a. hexane b. hexene c. cyclane d. bezene

9. Structural isomers have the same
a. molecular formula b. structural formula c. condensed structuralformula d. electron dot formula

10. Polymers are formed by joining individual units called
a. plastics b. carbon c. monomers d. minimers

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
5 Oct 2019

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