23 Nov 2019

An ionic bond is formed between a cation A+ and an anion B-. Howwould the energy of the ionic bond be affected by the followingchanges?


(a) doubling the radius of A+
distance r increases resulting in a higher energy E
distance r increases resulting in a smaller energy E
distance r decreases resulting in a higher energy E
distance r decreases resulting in a smaller energy E
(b) tripling the charge on A+
triples the energy E
decreases the energy to one third the original energy E
increases the energy to nine times the original energy E
has no effect on the energy E
(c) doubling the charges on A+ and B-
halves the energy E
decreases the energy to one fourth the original energy E
quadruples the energy E
doubles the energy E
(d) decreasing the radii of A+ and B- to half their originalvalues
halves the energy E
does not alter the energy E
doubles the energy E
quadruples the energy E

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
15 Jan 2019

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