18 Nov 2019

I need to find the theoretical yield of benzoic acid from this lab experiment. The first part of the experiment involved this formula

C6H5COOH + NaOH ------> C6H5COO-Na+ + H2O where we mixed 30 mL of a stock solution of toluene-benzoic acid mixture and then added 15.0 mL of aqueous sodium hydroxide to seperate the two layers.

In the second part, C6H5COO-Na + Hcl-------> C6H5COOH + NaCl we took the aqueous layer extracted from the mixture in the first part and added 70 mL of 10% aqueous hydrochloric acid to acidify it.

A week later once it was dried, we obtained .5002 grams of benzoic acid.

Please show the work of how you found the theoretical yield.

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
26 Oct 2019

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