12 Nov 2019

When standardizing a solution of NaOH against KHP, a variety of systematic and random errors are possible. Identify, with justification, whether the following are systematic or random sources of error, or if they have no effect. If the error is systematic then indicate whether the experimentally determined molarity for NaOH will be too high or too low.

1. The balance used to weigh the KHP is not properly calibrated and always reads 0.10 g too low.

2. The visual indicator selected for the standardization change color between pH 3 and 4.

3. An air bubble is trapped in the tip of the buret at the beginning of the analysis, but is dislodged during the titration

4. Samples of KHP are weighted into separate flasks but the balance is only tared with the first flask.

5. The KHP was not dried before it was weighed.

6. The NaOH was not dried before it was used.

7. The procedure calls for the sample to be dissolved in 50 mL of water, but accidentally dissolved in 70 mL water.

Hello, please answer these questions throughly. I want to understand each statement and the reasoning behind each answer. For I can better unerstand the lab that is taking place today.

Thank you :)

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
18 Feb 2019

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