11 Nov 2019

Particle in a box is a model that is often used to look at the spectroscopy of pi electrons in conjugated organic molecules.

Each level of particle in a box has room for 2 electrons. Remember you are only looking at the pi-electrons and you will be calculating for this molecule: [Octatetraene]

a- The highest filled energy level is referred to as the HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital). The quantum number that goes with this level is _____________.
b- The lowest unoccupied (no electrons) is referred to as the LUMO (Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital). The quantum number for this level is ____________.
c- To calculate the “length” of the box we will use the average bond length of 1.35 A for each carbon-carbon bond. The total length of the box in meters is___________________
d- Find an expression for the energy difference between your LUMO and HOMO.
e- Using the expression in d. calculate the DE for an electron moving between the HOMO and LUMO for your molecule. (be very careful about units!..no credit for calculation not done in correct units).
f- What part of the electromagnetic spectrum would this transition occur in?

please show your work for all and make sure that your answer is clear enough for reading. Thank you

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Jun 2019

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