10 Nov 2019

Consider a cell based on the following line notation at 298 K:

Cu | Cu2+ (0.289 M) || Ni2+ (1.25 M) | Ni


Cu2+ + 2 e- → Cu Eo = 0.34 V
Ni2+ + 2 e- → Ni Eo = -0.23 V

How many of the following responses are true?

1. Using a Pt electrode in place of the Cu electrode will not change the potential of the cell
2. Reduction takes place at the cathode
3. Adding equal amounts of water to both half reactions will not change the potential of the cell
4. Increasing the concentration of the Ni2+ will decrease the potential of the cell
5. Increasing the concentration of the Cu2+ will decrease the concentration of the reaction

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
29 Sep 2019

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