
Alpha-linolenic acid is one of a large group of fatty acids thatare found in fish oil, walnuts and canola seeds. These nutrientsare essential for good health. All of these fatty acids consist ofan unsaturated hydrocarbon that is terminated by a carboxylic acidfunctional group. When a 14.8154 g sample of unknown fatty acid isburned in oxygen, the process consumes 32 g of O2. The reactionproduces 39.609 g of CO2 and 7.2064 g of H2O. Based on theseresults and the molar masses of H (1.008 g), C (12.01 g) and O(16.00 g), how many hydrogen atoms are in each formula unit of theacid, CxHyO2? (What is the value of y?)

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
2 Oct 2019

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