
1. If a fixed asset with an original cost of $18,000 andaccumulated depreciation of $12,000 is sold for $15,000, thecompany must (Points : 2)
recognize a loss on the income statement under otherexpenses.
recognize a loss on the income statement under operatingexpenses.
recognize a gain on the income statement under otherrevenues.
Gains and losses are not to be recognized upon the sell of fixedassets.

2. If a fixed asset is sold and the book value is less than cashreceived, the company must (Points : 2)
recognize a loss on the income statement under otherexpenses.
recognize a loss on the income statement under operatingexpenses.
recognize a gain on the income statement under otherrevenues.
Gains and losses are not to be recognized upon the sell of fixedassets.

3. Depreciable cost equals (Points : 2)
cost less accumulated depreciation.
book value less residual value.
cost less residual value.
market value less residual value.

4. Goodwill is (Points : 2)
amortized similar to other intangibles.
only written down if an impairment in value occurs.
charged to expense immediately.
amortized over 40 years or its economic life, whichever isshorter.

5. Expenditures that add to the utility of fixed assets for morethan one accounting period are (Points : 2)
committed expenditures.
revenue expenditures.
current expenditures.
capital expenditures.

6. A company purchased an oil well for $25 million with a residualvalue of $500,000. It is estimated that 10 million barrels can beextracted from the well. Determine depletion expense assuming 3million barrels are extracted and sold. (Points : 2)

7. Book value is defined as (Points : 2)
current market value less residual value.
cost less residual value.
current market value less accumulated depreciation.
cost less accumulated depreciation.

8. Which of the following expenditures would NOT be included in thecost of an asset? (Points : 2)
Freight costs
Sales tax
Surveying fees

9. To measure depreciation, all of the following must be knownEXCEPT (Points : 2)
market value.
residual value.
historical cost.
estimated life.

10. A capital expenditure would appear on the (Points : 2)
income statement under operating expenses.
balance sheet under fixed assets.
balance sheet under current assets.
income statement under other expen

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
29 Sep 2019
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