
Use the following information to answer questions 1-5.

Determine the due date and amount of interest due at maturity onthe following notes:

Note 1- Dated March 1, $5,000, 60 day note, 9% interest
Note 2- Dated May 15, $9,000, 120 day note, 8% interest
Note 3- Dated May 30, $12,000, 90 day note, 12% interest

1.What is the Maturity Date for Note 1? (Points : 3)
May 1
April 30
April 29
May 5

2.What is the amount of interest due at maturity for Note 1? (Points: 3)

3.What is the Maturity Date for Note 2? (Points : 3)
September 11
September 13
September 12
August 30

4.What is the amount of interest due at maturity for Note 2? (Points: 3)

5.What is the amount of interest due at maturity for Note 3? (Points: 3)

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
29 Sep 2019

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