
Diego, age 28, married Dolores, age 27, in 2015. Their salariesfor the year amounted to $47,126 and they had interest income of$3,500. Diego and Dolores’ deductions for adjusted gross incomeamounted to $2,000, their itemized deductions were $11,576, andthey claimed two exemptions on their return.

a. What is the amount of their adjusted gross income? $

b. What is the amount of their itemized deductions or standarddeduction? $

c. What is the amount of their taxable income? d. What is theirtax liability for 2015?

Problem 10: Download the TAX 2000 Wk 1 Problem 10 Instructionsfor further information

Jim (age 50) and Martha (age 49) are married with threedependent children. They file a joint return for 2015. Their incomefrom salaries totals $49,500, and they received $10,125 in taxableinterest, $5,000 in royalties, and $3,000 in other ordinary income.Jim and Martha’s deductions for adjusted gross income amount to$3,200, and they have itemized deductions totalling $13,200.Calculate the following amounts:

a. Gross income

b. Adjusted gross income

c. Itemized deduction or standard deduction amount

d. Number of exemptions e. Taxable income

Chapter 2 Lab Work

The IRS requires that certain items be included in gross income,while other items can excluded from gross income. In this Lab Work,you'll be analyzing various scenarios to determine the appropriateamounts of income to include in gross income on Form 1040.

1. Indicate whether each of the items listed below would beincluded (I) in or excluded (E) from gross income for the 2015 taxyear.

a. Welfare payments

b. Commissions

c. Hobby income

d. Scholarships for room and board

e. $300 set of golf clubs, an employee award for length ofservice

f. Severance pay

g. Ordinary dividend of $50

h. Accident insurance proceeds received for personal bodilyinjury

i. Inheritances

j. Gifts

k. Tips and gratuities

2. John installed a new roof on his friend’s house in return fora used truck worth $6,000. How much income must John report on histax return for his services?

3. Larry is a tax accountant and Sheila is a hairdresser. Larryprepares Sheila’s tax return for free and Sheila agrees to styleLarry’s hair six times for free in return for the tax return. Thevalue of the tax return is approximately $300 and the hair stylingwork is approximately $300.

a. How much of the $300 is includable income to Larry? Why?

b. How much of the $300 is includable income to Sheila? Why?

11. How much of each of the following is taxable?

a. Cheline received a $50,000 gift bag from the Oscars during2015.

b. Jon received a gold watch worth $750 for 25 years of serviceto his accounting firm (not a qualified award).

c. Kerry won $1,000,000 in her state lottery.

d. Deborah is a professor who received $50,000 as an award forher scientific research from the university that employs her

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019
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