
Selected transactions of Shadrach Computer Corporation duringNovember and December of 2016 are as follows:

Nov. 1 Borrowed money from the bank byissuing a non-interest-bearing, $58,000, 90-day note. The note isdiscounted on a 12% basis.
9 Sold 125 computers with a 1-yearassurance-type warranty for $5,600 each on credit (ignore cost ofgoods sold). Past experience indicates that warranty costs average$110 per computer.
12 Sold 125 software packages at $270each on credit (ignore cost of goods sold). With each softwarepackage, Shadrach offered a premium in the form of a USB drive forthe return of one proof of purchase. The offer expires June 30,2017. The cost of each USB drive is $5, and Shadrach estimates that80% of the premiums will be redeemed; therefore, 100 USB driveswere purchased on credit.
20 Paid $2,000 in fulfillment of thewarranty agreement on several of the computers sold on November9.
30 Accrued monthly vacation pay.Shadrach has 80 employees who are each paid an average of $180 perday. Shadrach has a policy of allowing each employee 12 days’ paidvacation per year; the related liability is recorded on a monthlybasis. Employees are paid monthly.
30 Paid monthly payroll. Grosssalaries were $430,000. No vacations were taken during November.Income tax withholdings of 20% are applicable to the salaries ofall employees. A F.I.C.A. tax of 8% for both employees andemployers is also applicable. These rates apply to all salariesbecause no employee’s salary has exceeded the maximum wage limit.The state allows the corporation a 1% unemployment compensationmerit-rating reduction from the normal rate of 5.4%. The federalunemployment rate is 0.6%. Prior to October, each individualemployee had accumulated a gross salary in excess of $7,000 for2016.
Dec. 14 Twenty proofs of purchase werereturned from the November 12 sale.
29 An individual filed suit againstShadrach for damages caused in a November 5 accident that resultedwhen a member of the sales force hit the individual’s car while onpersonal business. The amount of the suit filed was $1,450. Becausethe employee was on personal business, the company’s insurancecompany will not pay the claim. In Shadrach’s attorney’s opinion,the amount of the suit is reasonable; furthermore, the companybelieves it is likely to lose the suit.
31 Accrued monthly vacation pay.
31 Paid monthly payroll. Grosssalaries were $433,000. The salaries included $6,500 of vacationpay in the sales force and $3,300 of vacation pay in the officestaff. The F.I.C.A. tax rate still applies to all wages because noemployee’s salary exceeded the maximum wage limit.
31 Recorded president’s bonus. Thepresident receives a 10% bonus on any income over $240,000, beforededucting income taxes and the bonus. Shadrach’s effective incometax rate is 30%, and income before income taxes and bonus for 2016was $560,000. The bonus will be paid in January 2017.
Prepare journal entries torecord the preceding transactions of Shadrach Computer Corporationfor 2016. Include year-end accruals. Round all calculations to thenearest dollar.

Chart of Accounts

Shadrach Computer Corporation
General Ledger
111 Cash
121 Accounts Receivable
132 Inventory of Premiums
152 Prepaid Insurance
181 Equipment
189 Accumulated Depreciation
211 Accounts Payable
221 Bonus Payable
222 Liability for CompensatedAbsences
224 FICA Taxes Payable
225 Federal Income Taxes WithholdingPayable
231 Salaries Payable
240 Estimated Warranty Liability
241 Estimated Premium Liability
245 Estimated Liability fromLawsuit
250 Unearned Revenue
260 Notes Payable
261 Discount on Notes Payable
271 Federal Income Taxes Payable
311 Common Stock
331 Retained Earnings
411 Sales Revenue
500 Cost of Goods Sold
511 Insurance Expense
512 Utilities Expense
521 Salaries Expense
522 Payroll Taxes Expense
532 Bad Debt Expense
540 Interest Expense
541 Depreciation Expense
551 Warranty Expense
552 Premium Expense
559 Miscellaneous Expenses
561 Loss from Accident
910 Income Tax Expense

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
28 Sep 2019

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