
Marston Corporation manufactures disposable thermometers thatare sold to hospitals through a network of independent sales agentslocated in the United States and Canada. These sales agents sell avariety of products to hospitals in addition to Marston'sdisposable thermometer. The sales agents are currently paid an 16%commission on sales, and this commission rate was used whenMarston's management prepared the following budgeted absorptionincome statement for the upcoming year.

Marston Corporation
Budgeted Income Statement
Sales $ 33,000,000
Cost of goodssold:
Variable $ 17,100,000
Fixed 2,790,000 19,890,000
Gross margin 13,110,000
Selling andadministrative expenses:
Commissions 5,280,000
Fixed advertising expense 720,000
Fixed administrativeexpense 3,100,000 9,100,000
Net operatingincome $ 4,010,000

Since the completion of the abovestatement, Marston’s management has learned that the independentsales agents are demanding an increase in the commission rate to18% of sales for the upcoming year. This would be the thirdincrease in commissions demanded by the independent sales agents infive years. As a result, Marston’s management has decided toinvestigate the possibility of hiring its own sales staff toreplace the independent sales agents.

Marston's controller estimatesthat the company will have to hire eight salespeople to cover thecurrent market area, and the total annual payroll cost of theseemployees will be about $690,000, including fringe benefits. Thesalespeople will also be paid commissions of 10% of sales. Traveland entertainment expenses are expected to total about $330,000 forthe year. The company will also have to hire a sales manager andsupport staff whose salaries and fringe benefits will come to$180,000 per year. To make up for the promotions that theindependent sales agents had been running on behalf of Marston,management believes that the company’s budget for fixed advertisingexpenses should be increased by $420,000.

1. Assuming sales of $33,000,000,construct a budgeted contribution format income statement for theupcoming year for each of the following alternatives (Enteryour answers in thousands of dollars (i.e., 15,000,000 should beentered as 15,000.)):


The independent sales agents' commission rate remains unchangedat 16%.


The independent sales agents' commission rate increases to18%.


The company employs its own sales force.

2. Calculate Marston Corporation'sbreak-even point in sales dollars for the upcoming year assumingthe following: (Round the CM ratio to 2 decimal places.Enter your answers in whole dollars and not inthousands.)

a. The independent sales agents'commission rate remains unchanged at 16%.


The independent sales agents' commission rate increases to18%.

The company employs its ownsales force.


Refer to your answer to (1)(b) above. If the company employs itsown sales force, what volume of sales would be necessary togenerate the net operating income the company would realize ifsales are $33,000,000 and the company continues to sell throughagents (at a 18% commission rate)? (Round the CM ratio to 2decimal places. Enter your answers in whole dollars and not inthousands.)


Determine the volume of sales at which net operating incomewould be equal regardless of whether Marston Corporation sellsthrough agents (at a 18% commission rate) or employs its own salesforce.(Round the CM ratio to 2 decimal places. Enter youranswers in whole dollars and not in thousands.)

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
28 Sep 2019

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