
Which of the following is a period cost?

a. Wages of an assembly worker

b. Depreciation on factory equipment

c. Sales commissions

d. Power

A cost that has been incurred in the past and is irrelevant istermed a(n):

a. variable cost.

b. opportunity cost.

c. sunk cost.

d. differential cost.

Compute factory overhead cost from the following costs:

Depreciation on factory buildings $ 45,950
Depreciation on office equipment 32,980
Direct materials used 96,840
Indirect labor 6,580

a. $96,840

b. $78,930

c. $73,000

d. $52,530

Which of the following items would be classified as a part ofprime cost?

a. Administrative cost

b. Direct labor cost

c. Factory overhead cost

d. Selling cost

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Sep 2019

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