
my company is target. Target competitor are Walmart, Amazon,Costco.

e.) How does your company stack up against its competiton.(graph/charts) (1-2 pages)

(1). Is company attractive in an attractive industry

(2.) what metrics superior companies for industry.

3.) analyze your company ranks in the industry using dupontanalysis and industry specififc ratios.

f.) state your investment thesis your investment philosophy

Does your company pass the your 10 minute test(graph/charts)

A.) Sustainable economic moat ? (your test) profitability? yourcompany ( Pass / Fail) Explain

B.) Growth? Stable? Dividends? (your test) your company (Pass /Fail) Explain

C.) Financial Health? Financial Risk your test your company(pass/ fail) explain

D.) Quality of Income? your test your company (pass/fail)explain

e.) good value? Buy now? your test your company (pass/fail)explain

This stock appears to be trading (below / about / over itaverage price.

g.) investment decisions

overall, this company is long term ( buy/ review again at lowerprice / bust?

Why? Give 5 good reason






$ in Millions 1/30/2011 1/29/2012 2/3/2013 2/2/2014 2/1/2015
PROFITABILITY Ratios Are we generating enough returns on revenuesand investments?
Gross Profit Margin 31% 31% 30% 29% 30%
Net ProfitMargin, also known as Return on Sales (ROS) 4% 4% 3% -2% 5%
Return on Assets (ROA) 7% 6% 4% -4% 8%
Earnings per Share (EPS) $4.31 $4.57 $3.10 -$2.58 $5.25
Quality of Earnings ratio -1.86 -1.78 -3.31 -2.71


Investment Ratios

INVESTMENT Ratios How do weappear to our shareholders?
Dividends per share $ (1.10) $ (1.32) $ (1.58) $ (1.90) $ (2.13)
Market Value per share $ 59.00 $ 56.00 $ 54.00 $ 53.00 $ 53.00
Dividend Yield -1.87% -2.37% -2.93% -3.59% -4.01%
Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio -53.49 -42.27 -34.14 -27.84 -24.91
Price-to-Sales (P/S) ratio 38.09 37.00 35.44 33.69 34.98
Price-to-Book (P/B) ratio 22.00 23.64 25.13 25.56


DuPont Analysis of ROE = ROS xAsset turnover = ROA x Financial LEVerage = ROE
Return on Sales(ROS), also known as Net Profit Margin 4.19% 4.09% 2.77% -2.25% 4.56%
Asset Turnover 1.60 1.57 1.48 1.63 1.79
Return on Assets (ROA) 6.70% 6.43% 4.09% -3.67% 8.17%
Financial LEVerage 2.82 2.95 2.91 2.74 2.94
Return on Equity (ROE) 18.91% 18.96% 11.90% -10.08%


Year-End 2/1/2015 1/30/2015 1/31/2015 competitors
$ in Millions Target Walmart Costco Amazon
$ in Millions
Assets $ 41,172 $ 203,490 $ 35,451 $ 64,747
Liabilities $ 27,175 $ 122,096 $ 24,603 $ 51,363
SEquity $ 13,997 $ 81,394 $ 10,848 $ 13,384
Revenue $ 73,785 $ 485,651 $ 27,220 $ 107,006
Net Income $ 3,363 $ 16,363 $ 480,000 $ 596
Net Income
Industry Average
ROS 4.56% 3.37% 1763.41% 0.56% #DIV/0! ROS
Asset Turnover 1.7921 2.3866 0.7678 1.6527 1.7921 Asset Turnover
ROA 8.17% 8.04% 13.54 0.92% 8.17% ROA
Financial LEVerage 2.94 2.50 3.27 4.84 2.9415 Financial LEVerage
ROE 24.03% 20.10% 4424.78% 4.45% 24.03% ROE

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019

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