
12. For the purpose of government-wide financial statements, thecost of cleaning up a government-owned landfill and closing thelandfill

A) Is not recognized until the costs are actually incurred
B) Is accrued and amortized over the expected useful life of thelandfill
C) Is accrued on a pro-rated basis each period based on how fullthe landfill is
D) Is accrued in full at the time the costs become estimable
E) Is treated as an encumbrance at the time it become estimable andas an expenditure when it is actually paid

13. Drye Township has received adonation of a rare painting worth $1,000,000. For Drye'sgovernment-wide financial statements, three criteria must be metbefore Drye can opt not to recognize the painting as an asset.Which of the following is not one of the three criteria?(1.) Thepainting is held for public exhibition, education, or research infurtherance of public service, rather than financial gain.(2.) Thepainting is scheduled to be sold immediately at auction.(3.) Thepainting is protected, kept unencumbered, cared for, andpreserved.

A) Item 1 is not one of the three criteria
B) Item 2 is not one of the three criteria
C) Item 3 is not one of the three criteria
D) All three items are required criteria
E) None of the three items are required criteria

14. Which of the following is nota criterion of a capital lease?

A) The lease transfers ownership of the property to the lesseeby the end of the lease term
B) The present value of the minimum lease payments equals orexceeds 90 percent of the fair value of the leased property, net oflessor's investment tax credit
C) The lease contains an option to purchase the leased property ata bargain price
D) The lease contains an option to renew
E) The lease term is equal to or greater than 75 percent of theestimated economic life of the leased property

15. Which statement is falseregarding the government-wide Statement of Net Assets?

A) The purpose of the Statement of Net Assets is to report theeconomic resources of the government as a whole
B) Assets are reported excluding capital assets
C) Capital assets are reported net of depreciation
D) Investments are reported at fair value rather than historicalcost
E) Business-type activities include Enterprise Funds

16. Which statement is falseregarding the Balance Sheet for Fund-Based Statements?

A) The Balance Sheet for Fund-Based Statements measures onlycurrent financial resources of the governmental entity
B) The Balance Sheet for Fund-Based Statements uses the modifiedaccrual method for timing purposes
C) Capital assets are not reported on the Balance Sheet forFund-Based Statements
D) The Balance Sheet for Fund-Based Statements measures onlylong-term financial resources of the governmental entity
E) Long-term debts are not reported on the Balance Sheet forFund-Based Statements

17. The city operates a publicpool where each person is assessed a $2 entrance fee. Which fund ismost appropriate to record these revenues?

A) General Fund
B) Enterprise Fund
C) Special Revenue Fund
D) Internal Service Fund
E) Capital Projects Fund

18. Which of the following typesof health care organizations follow FASB Accounting StandardsCodification for GAAP?

Investor-Owned Health Care Enterprises

Not-for-Profit Organizations

Governmental Health Care Organizations





















A) Entry A
B) Entry B
C) Entry C
D) Entry D
E) Entry E

19. In accruing patient chargesfor the current month, which one of the following accounts should ahospital credit?

A) Accounts Payable
B) Deferred Revenue
C) Unearned Revenue
D) Patient Service Revenues
E) Accounts Receivable

20. Which account would becredited in recording a gift of medicine to a nursing home from anoutside party?

A) Nonoperating Gain - Contributions
B) Contractual Adjustments
C) Patient Service Revenues
D) Drugs and Medicines
E) Nonoperating Revenues - Contribution

21. Unconditional transfers ofcash or other resources to an entity in a voluntary nonreciprocaltransaction is the GAAP definition for

A) miscellaneous revenues
B) contributions
C) unconditional promises to give
D) exchange transactions
E) pledges

22. On a statement of functionalexpenses for a voluntary health and welfare organization, how areexpenses classified?

A) Health services expenses and operating expenses
B) Program services expenses and administrative servicesexpenses
C) Program services expenses and supporting services expenses
D) Operating expenses and supporting services expenses
E) Operating expenses and administrative expenses

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019
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