
(AICPA Adapted)
At January 1, 2010, the credit balance in the allowance fordoubtful accounts of the Master Company was $400,00. For 2010, theprovision for doubtful accounts is based on a percentage of netsales. Net sales for 2010 were $50,000,000. Based on the latestavailable facts, the 2010 provision for doubtful accounts isestimated to be 0.7% of net sales. During 2010 , uncollectiblereceivables amounting to $410,000 were written off against theallowance for doubtful accounts.

Required: Prepare a schedule computing the balance in Master'sallowance for doubtful accounts at December 31,2010. Showsupporting computations in good form.

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
28 Sep 2019

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