
At December 31, 2017,Cord Company's plant asset and accumulated depreciation andamortization accounts had balances as follows:

Category Plant Asset Accumulated Depreciation
and Amortization
Land $ 180,000 $ —
Buildings 1,750,000 333,900
Machinery andequipment 1,375,000 322,500
Automobiles andtrucks 177,000 105,325
Leaseholdimprovements 226,000 113,000
Landimprovements — —

Depreciation methods and useful lives:
Buildings—150% declining balance; 25 years.
Machinery and equipment—Straight line; 10 years.
Automobiles and trucks—150% declining balance; 5 years, allacquired after 2014.
Leasehold improvements—Straight line.
Land improvements—Straight line.

Depreciation is computed to the nearest month and residual valuesare immaterial. Transactions during 2018 and otherinformation:

On January 6, 2018, a plant facility consisting of land andbuilding was acquired from King Corp. in exchange for 30,000 sharesof Cord's common stock. On this date, Cord's stock had a fair valueof $40 a share. Current assessed values of land and building forproperty tax purposes are $160,000 and $640,000, respectively.

On March 25, 2018, new parking lots, streets, and sidewalks atthe acquired plant facility were completed at a total cost of$222,000. These expenditures had an estimated useful life of 12years.

The leasehold improvements were completed on December 31, 2014,and had an estimated useful life of eight years. The related lease,which would terminate on December 31, 2020, was renewable for anadditional four-year term. On April 30, 2018, Cord exercised therenewal option.

On July 1, 2018, machinery and equipment were purchased at atotal invoice cost of $330,000. Additional costs of $12,000 fordelivery and $55,000 for installation were incurred.

On August 30, 2018, Cord purchased a new automobile for$13,000.

On September 30, 2018, a truck with a cost of $24,500 and a bookvalue of $10,000 on date of sale was sold for $12,000. Depreciationfor the nine months ended September 30, 2018, was $2,250.

On December 20, 2018, a machine with a cost of $19,500 and abook value of $3,100 at date of disposition was scrapped withoutcash recovery.


1.Prepare a schedule analyzing the changes in each of the plant assetaccounts during 2018. Do not analyze changes in accumulateddepreciation and amortization.
2. For each asset category, prepare a scheduleshowing depreciation or amortization expense for the year endedDecember 31, 2018.

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Sep 2019

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