
The Wall-shire Company hasthree divisions—Northern, Western, and Southern. The divisions havethe following revenues and expenses: Northernn WesternSouthern

Sales $450,000 $410,000 680,000

Variable expenses 225,000 140,000 242,000

Traceable fixed expenses 165,000 105,000218,000

Allocated common corporate expenses 92,000 _ 85,000135,000

Net operating income (loss) $(32,000) $ 80,000 $85,000

Management of Kosco is considering the elimination of theNorthern Division. If the Northern Division were eliminated, itstraceable fixed expenses could be avoided. The total commoncorporate expenses would be unaffected. Given these data,what is your decision, eliminating or keeping it andwhy? Justify your decision, showing yourcalculation, and overall company’s netoperating income or loss, beforeand after eliminating Northern Division(3points)

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019

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