
Fill in the blanks with the phrase that best completes the sentence. Some phrases may be used more than once and some not at all.


cost center

revenue center

investment center


profit center


responsibility center

The maintenance department at the local zoo is​ a(n)

The gift shop at the local zoo is​ a(n)

The menswear department of a department​ store, which is responsible for buying and selling​ merchandise, is​ a(n)

The production line at a manufacturing plant is​ a(n)

A(n) BLANK is any segment of the business whose manager is accountable for specific activities.

A division of a beverage manufacturing company responsible for a particular brand of soft drink is​ a(n)

The sales manager in charge of a shoe​ company's northwest sales territory oversees​ a(n)

Managers of cost and revenue centers are at BLANK levels of the organization than are managers of profit and investment centers.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
29 Sep 2019

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