BSC 2085C Lecture Notes - Blood Vessel, Venule, Arteriole

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30 Apr 2023

Document Summary

Arteries: carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body: the largest artery is the aorta: 2. 5cm. Capillaries: where exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste between blood and tissue occurs (half-way point: smallest of the blood vessels. Veins: carry deoxygenated blood towards your heart: largest vein is the inferior vena cava 2. 0cm. Arterioles: a small branch of an artery leading into capillaries. Venules: a very small vein, especially one collecting blood from the capillaries. Summary: blood is carried away from the heart to be distributed throughout the body by the arteries and arterioles. Then flows into the capillaries where nutrient and waste products are exchanged between the blood and the surrounding tissues. Blood then flows into the venules and veins to start the process again. 60,000 miles or 100,000 km of blood vessels combined. Tunica intima: innermost layer: endothelium: the innermost layer (touches the blood). Made up of simple squamous epithelium cells connected via tight junctions.