PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Jargon

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Written communication plays a significant role in the communication sector, thus it must give certain necessary principles the attention they deserve. Every written message must adhere to the fundamentals of coherence, unity, and emphasis. Written communication is effective when it combines these concepts with other communication-related fundamentals including language, organization, and planning. These are the principle of communication or 7 cs of communication: clarity, completeness, coherence, conciseness, credibility, correctness, continuity. In addition to that, he must be precise regarding the choice, applicability, and use of the medium. The encoded message"s signals need to be carefully constructed and effectively sent: the concise description makes the script come to life, transports readers to the setting, and creates mood. It can add flavor to even the most monotonous and uninteresting news item and distinguish between a satisfying and unsatisfying report. Completeness: for communication to be effective, completeness is crucial.