PSYC-1000 Chapter Notes -Social Cognition, Psychological Science, Henri Tajfel

11 views6 pages
25 Apr 2022

Document Summary

Know the key terminology associated with social cognition. Understand how we form first impressions and how these impressions influence us. Apply your knowledge of attributions and biases to better understand how you tend to perceive yourself and others. Analyze whether people who commit discriminatory acts are explicitly prejudiced. Deals w/ everyday social experiences encountered in daily life. Central idea two major types of consciousness. Explicit processes: "conscious" thought, deliberative + effortful thinking. Large set of patterns governing general function of the mind. Dual-process models: models of behaviour that account for both implicit and explicit processes. Work together to regulate body as a dual process model. Explicit processes (our beliefs) influence implicit processes (beliefs influence how info is processed) Affects how we think, make choices, and self-reflect. Conscious acts conditioned + influenced by lots of unconscious processing. Implicit: how much attn is paid to their +ve and -ve behaviours. Implicit processes (automatic categorization) influence explicit processes (judgements made about someone)