Mathematics skill

Use accumulation functions and definite integrals in applied contexts

With this skill you will learn
  • Find the net change through the area under the rate function
  • Interpret a definite integral as a net change
  • Interpret definite integrals in revenue context
  • Interpret definite integrals in production quantity context
  • Interpret definite integrals in change in population context
  • Solve population growth word problems involving definite integrals

Use accumulation functions and definite integrals in applied contexts Questions

Questions that need this skill to solve them

Learn this skill

Group Live Tutoring

Group Live Tutoring

Develop a comprehensive understanding of fundamental mathematics concepts and applications in a classroom of students motivating each other.
$25 USD/session
Group Live Tutoring

Group Live Tutoring

Develop a comprehensive understanding of fundamental mathematics concepts and applications in a classroom of students motivating each other.
$25 USD/session