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Bryan Gaensler, C. Barth Netterfield, Ilana MacDonald

Verified Documents for Bryan Gaensler, C. Barth Netterfield, Ilana MacDonald

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Vera Rubin, Spiral Galaxy, Orbital Speed
One patch of the night sky can have numerous galaxies. If you are looking at things in the sky, it actually means you are looking back in time, as ligh
AST201H1 Lecture 2: LIGHT
How can you tell if a train has moved: you can be looking out the window, seeing if the landscape moves. If there are no windows, you can hear the trai
AST201H1 Lecture 2: Einstein's Theory of Relativity
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Special Relativity
Clicker q: q: you fall asleep on a spaceship and wakeup. How can you tell if the spaceship is moving: a: there is no experiment in the universe to tell
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Twin Paradox, Length Contraction
AST201H1 Lecture 3: Relativity part 2
Time dilation: when someone is moving relative to you, their clock will seem to be running slower. Not only does time slow down, but also length. Thing
AST201H1 Lecture 4: AST201 - lecture 4
Objects will move with a constant speed and direction unless acted on by an external. You feel gravity every day, every other force you feel (wind, pus
AST201H1 Lecture 4: 2019
If you travelled to the center of our galaxy and back at 99. 9999% of the speed of light, you would age about 8 days, but earth would age 50 000 years.
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Gravitational Lens, Strong Gravity, Equivalence Principle
Equivalence principle: no experiment can distinguish a difference between gravity pulling things back to the surface of earth and acceleration. We feel
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Cygnus X-1, Event Horizon, Escape Velocity
If you shrank the size of earth while keeping its mass the same means that the escape speed goes up. If you keep crushing the earth smaller and smaller
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Cygnus X-1, Photon, Astronomical Object
The black hole in the centre of our galaxy is actually much larger than cygnus x-1. Some elements tend to escape being devoured by black holes, and the
AST201H1 Lecture 8: AST 201 LECTURE 8
A star with a spectrum in the middle (close to where the green light area is) appear white. That is why there is no green stars in the sky. Historicall
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Stellar Parallax, Inverse-Square Law
We have information about our sun, mostly because we have sent probes to measure things or observe the sun. However, we have information about distant
AST201H1 Lecture 10: AST 201 - lecture 10
If you know a star"s distance and its brightness, you can figure out the luminosity of a star. You can figure out the temperature by the colour it is a
AST201H1 Lecture 11: AST 201 - lecture 11
In the previous lecture we discussed how to find certain properties of stars without having to go send probes to the stars. We can find the chemical co
AST201H1 Lecture 12: AST 201 - lecture 12
Rule #1 = hotter is brighter if it is the same size. If a star is bluer than it is hotter, if it is redder than it is cooler. In our story, we have com
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Main Sequence, Horizontal Branch, Triple-Alpha Process
Topic: lifecycle of a 1 solar mass star. The core expanding and cooling slows things down and stops fusion in the sun"s core from happening faster and
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Neon Neon, Nucleon, Solar Mass
Talking about what happens to a star that is above 8 solar masses, and the difference between a low-mass star and high mass star. When all the helium i
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Angular Momentum, Degenerate Matter, Tablespoon
Topic: the afterlives of massive stars, neutron stars. The finale stage of a massive star"s life. When there is no more core fusion then gravity starts
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Light Pollution
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Semi-Major And Semi-Minor Axes, Orbital Period, Vera Rubin
Johannes kepler: had worked from tycho bache"s data and came up with an accurate description of the motion of the planets. #1: planets orbit the sun in
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Elliptical Galaxy, Disc Galaxy, Cosmic Distance Ladder
Irregular galaxies are a result of a collision of two galaxies (mergers. ) When its finish its star bursts, it will probably another disk galaxy. But i
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Main Sequence, Cosmic Distance Ladder, Edwin Hubble
The stars all have the same age and the stars are all at around the same distance. They are all at around the same distance. Step 1: use radar to deter
AST201H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Graph Paper, Nucleosynthesis, Neutrino