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Browse the full collection of course materials, past exams, study guides and class notes for PSYC 101 - Introduction to Biological and Cognitive Psychology at University of …
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Peter Graf
Grace Truong
Steven Barnes, Grace Truong
Jeremy Hosking
Catherine (Cathy) Rankin
Clark, Luke

Verified Documents for Steven Barnes, Grace Truong

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Learning Curve, Empirical Research, Scientific Method
Learning curve on launchpad (due sunday 16 11:59) Ppl couldn"t tell so someone took a lot of pictures, so could observe and see if its true. Explaining
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Tabula Rasa, Inflectional Phrase, Neuroplasticity
Rec some of the most infl people in the history of psych. Knowledge is innate or inborn (born the way we are) Nature vs nurture varies from illness to
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Learning Curve, Empirical Research, Scientific Method
Learning curve on launchpad (due sunday 16 11:59) Ppl couldn"t tell so someone took a lot of pictures, so could observe and see if its true. Explaining
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Observer-Expectancy Effect, Confirmation Bias, Scatter Plot
Pre-existing beliefs infl our view and integration of new evidence. It is statistically proven that storks deliver babies! (let"s investigate further)
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Statistical Inference, Replication Crisis, Shooter Game
Manipulate one variable and test the effect on the other variable. Steps of designing experiments: manipulation of independent v, measure dependent v,
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Autonomic Nervous System, Fusiform Face Area, White Matter
Connection between central system and muscles and nerves. Heart rate blood pressure and respiration (pump oxygen to muscles) Cold feet and hands (blood
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Frequency Distribution, Inflectional Phrase, Casual Dating
Learning curve: due sunday, 16th by midnight (2a) Operational definition: description of a property in concrete, measurable terms. Instrument: anything
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Commissure, Gyrus, Hindbrain
Left mostly receives input from and controls the right side of the body. Right mostly receives input from and controls the left side of the body. Visio
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Schwann Cell, Retina, Neuroglia
Happens to 75% of ppl who lose part of their body. If your face takes over what your hand used to be, when sensations to your face, it will feel as if
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Neural Oscillation
If able to read out the signals of the brain, could they change it? (influence brain activity) Lower accuracy to localize and reach for moving objects.
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Neurodegeneration, Prefrontal Cortex, Glutamine
Any kind of mental illnesses could be explained by these factors, and they all play a role in the existence/development of the mental illness. Neurons
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Internal Validity
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Color Vision, Receptive Field, Color Blindness
Make study guide of learning outcomes for midterms! Basic registration of light, sound, pressure, taste, odor. Perception the organization, identificat
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Lateral Geniculate Nucleus, Optic Chiasm, Visual Cortex
From the eye to the primary visual cortex. Path of signal: retina, optical tract, cross over at optic chiasm, lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamu
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Inattentional Blindness, Outer Ear, Sound
When ppl fail to detect changes to the visual details of a scene. Failure to perceive objects that are not the focus of attention. Detection of sound w
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Cribriform Plate, Caffeine, Haptic Perception
Taste and smell guide feeding and social interactions. Combo of taste, smell, and mouth feel that leads to the overall rep for a particular food. Mucou
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Parietal Lobe, Withdrawal Reflex, Vestibular System
Left half of body is rep by right half of brain and vice versa. Areas of the body where sensitivity to small spatial differences is greatest are most r
PSYC 101 Lecture 20: sleep and dreaming
Word pairing in the conscious and unconscious. Either do a distracting task, and then choose, or just choose right away. Leg does a huge twitch i. ii:
PSYC 101 Lecture 21: Drugs and Addiction
Chems that infl consciousness or behaviour by altering the brain"s chem messenger system. Drug use: quest for an altered state of consciousness, a brea
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Short-Term Memory, Long-Term Memory, Sensory Memory
Can accurately remember any day from the last 30 yrs. Can memorize over 20 numbers after a single glance. Holds nonsensory info for more than a few sec
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Retrograde Amnesia, Anterograde Amnesia, Long-Term Memory
Type of storage that holds info for hrs, days, weeks, or years. Had hippocampus and some surrounding medial temp lobes surgically removed. Can converse
PSYC 101 Lecture 27: Different forms of long term memory
Thoughts that we have (that we did yesterday or something) Uses past experiences to remember things without thinking about them. Acq of skills as a res
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Frontal Lobe, Forgetting Curve, Prospective Memory
Occurs during storage phase (between encoding and retrieval) Synapses or connections esp those that aren"t used very often become weaker. Rapid drop-of
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 29: Aplysia, Withdrawal Reflex, Classical Conditioning
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 30: B. F. Skinner, Operant Conditioning, Operant Conditioning Chamber
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 31: Observational Learning, Mirror Neuron, Parietal Lobe
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 32: Artificial Grammar Learning, Implicit Learning, Dynamical System
People get getter at performing a task (more accurate, quicker decisions) without justifying their decisions. Learning process through which we acquire
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 33: Noam Chomsky, Colorless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously, Noun Phrase
Uses signals that are combined based on rules of grammar. Set of rules that specifies how signals can be combined to produce meaningful msgs. Smallest
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 34: Frontal Lobe, Staccato, Temporal Lobe
Children show higher cog funct such as exec cntrl. What bilinguals have to do in everyday life to switch between languages and suppress one. Bilingual
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 35: German Shepherd, Basal Ganglia, Prefrontal Cortex
Mental rep that char a group/category of things. Based on shared similarities, things have in common. Must be true of object for it to belong to catego
PSYC 101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 36: Decision-Making, Optimism Bias, Prospect Theory
Decisions made on basis of investment in the past. Ppl believe that relative to other ppl, they are more likely to experience positive events. Believe