CHEM 111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Barium, Astatine, Diatomic Molecule

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Atoms linked by covalent bonds throughout the entire solid there are no individual molecules making it insoluble. The bond holding the molecule together has a strong force. Molecules formed with the same element but differ in their physical and chemical properties. Example: o2 and o3 they both are forms of oxygen but one is an oxygen gas while the other is an ozone layer. They have different physical and chemical properties due to their difference in atomic structure. A shift in the structure of a molecule will also change its function. A common form of allotrope is carbon: carbons can form: graphite and diamond. Group 2 metals are known as alkaline earth metals be, mg, ca, sr, ba and ra: they are metals that exist in nature only as compounds, they are reactive with water except for be (beryllium) Group beta b, al, ga ln and tl: everything is a metals except b(boron) which is a metalloid.