CHEM 143A Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Aldehyde, Ketone, Silver Nitrate

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Will be given a list of 80 possibilities. There will not be a set of procedures to follow because all unknowns are going to be different. Tlc and gc are not good solutions here because there are soooo many unknowns and we do not have standards. White crystalline powder = eliminates everything else then. Not very easy to use but hopefully gets you close. Need at least 1 positive and 1 negative result. Going to take moelcule and transform into a derivative. This derivative should have properties that make it easier to identify. Then you can do a melting point measurement and match it on the chart week 8 page 2. At the end, when trying to eliminate between the possibilities. Now you can use the fingerprint region because you"re down to 2 or 3 possible spectrums. Reaction that"s specific and gives visual read out. Useless for chemists because it destroys your compound.