GEOG 5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: West Bank Areas In The Oslo Ii Accord, Cholera
Document Summary
C. three scholarly traditions: literary, cartographic, mathematical. Two approaches to geography: regional (general, older, more traditional, comprehensive and descriptive map of regions, places, and environments, systematic (specific, analysis of specific topics (transportation, communication, cities, manufacturing) Biophysical, gi techniques: geographic phenomena (mountains, rivers, oceans, atmospheric fronts, forests, buildings, corn fields, countries, migration movements) Endurant: wholly exists at a moment in time and continues to exist over time: objects mountain or city, masses soil, asphalt, water. Perdurant: exist over time/ change over time: events volcanic eruptions, riots, processes erosion, migration, homogeneous vs. heterogeneous. Reference: divisive half of x is still x (homogeneous) take half of one thing and still have that thing, cumulative c. Lecture 1: introduction: course description and mechanics. Ancient greek word: earth writing interaction of people with the earth, place v space, why are places where they are, why do they communicate between other places the way they do (ex1: london- well with cholera- spacial patterns) (ex2: