FAMST 96 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Paparazzi, Fernando Meirelles, Kátia Lund

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DIRECTED BY: Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund
Readings: Robert Stam "Tense" and David Bordwell "Narration and Time"
Cidade de Deus -- Portuguese film, English subtitles
Fast-paced shots of city life
Editing goes with the rhythm of the music
Many of the frames go along with very rhythmic music -- beats of the frames
and beats of the music nearly in sync
Shaking of the camera as if it's on the chicken's back, perspective changes and
it's now low-angled
Slow-motion frame of man with the gun, grinning
Super slow motion close-up of Lil Ze smiling holding his gun visibly near
his face
Narration over the slow motion spinning of older/teen boy
As he's being ridiculed by a mob of men chasing a chicken and relying on
him to catch it
Spins into a flashback as soon as he says "it's been that way since I was a kid"
(multiple spins)
Then we're on the field where he played soccer with title "The Sixties"
Visual cue = spinning around Rocket, slow-motion - events are shown
slower than they were before
The spinning slows down time and takes Rocket out of the space he
is in before it spins into our external flashback
We become more aware of Rocket (acknowledging that he's the
narrator) than what's going on around him [which we don't realize
or focus on until the end of the film when we're brought back to
this space]
Slow rhythm allows us to hypothesize more while earlier in
the film, the quickness of frames didn’t give us much time to
Auditory cue = wind whirling, quieting of extra diegetic sound behind the
Rocket is the boys name, also our narrator as a teen
Need Shaggy's story to start telling the story of the City of God
To tell that story, must tell the story of the Tender Trio
Shaggy, Clipper, Goose
Lil Dice and Benny (Shaggy's brother)
Our narrator is Goose's younger brother
We're back in the time when Rocket was a child - onscreen images being
narrated by the Rocket we saw back in the middle of the street
Robberies, running around the town with guns, etc.
Only doing so to support their families
Location: Rio, Brazil
Following young Rocket and his friend Stringy (?) through the slums of his town
Excited at the sight of electricity
No paved streets
Many families were homeless
Know that the area isn't very urban
Lil Dice as the mastermind of the gangs plans (as a young boy)
Proving himself as a real gangster
Wants to be a part of the Tender Trio with his brother, but he's just a kid
Still creates their plans that they are just needed to execute
Sequence of robbing the motel rooms while patrons are having sex
We are set to believe that all of these things are happening at the same
One gang-member per room to rob
What makes us think this?
Dissolve between the quietness of the motel kitchen and the loudness of the car
driving and the Trio yelling at each other
Separation of space
Divide in the center of the screen like a wall
Also leading us to think these things are happening at the same time
Being shown two scenes at once
Are the people in the kitchen all dead? Surely they aren't just there
Later revealed that Lil Dice went back into the motel and killed
everyone because he wanted to take on the role as a hoodlum and
no one would allow it
Slow motion of the dewdrop falling off the leaf
Emptiness of sound
Shaggy love at first sight (?)
When the flame illuminates the girl's face
Guitar strings start to play only as they lock eyes
Snap back to the reality that the cops are after him
Days passing because we see the nights turn into days
Bullet travelling through space speeds up time and hits the mirror as a snap into
another place/time period
Back into the home where Goose is being punished
The only sound we hear is the whizzing of the bullet and Rocket's
Rocket = Narrator, telling the story from his older perspective (where we saw
him in the favela).. Talking about his older brother Goose (and his friends, the
Tender Trio) as he remembers from his childhood
Shaggy arguing with girlfriend about the night of the massacre.. Shaggy insisting
he didn’t kill anyone
Clipper plans to rejoin the Church after getting caught up in this Tender Trio
Goose said he was going to stop messing around, "But a hood doesn't stop. A
hood takes a break"
Goose messing with Shorty's wife and gets caught
Shorty beats his wife after he catches her and Goose having sex
Police involved yet again, this time going after Rocket for his brother's
Police raid Goose and Rocket's home
Goose practically disowned and never seen by his parents again
Because he later dies
Tender Trio has fallen apart
Lil Dice found after they thought he was dead at the motel the night of the
Goose robs Lil Dice
Seeing multiple instances of sunrise, daytime, sunset, night, and cycle back to
Knowing that many days are passing
Shaggy fleeing the town in the same hoodlum way he knows how after cops
infiltrate the favela due to an increased amount of violence in the town
Cops are still after Tender Trio
Shaggy shot trying to escape the favela, killed.
Rocket remembering the mass of people and cameras surrounding Shaggy
Rocket says he always wanted a camera
Camera becomes HUGE in the story and Rocket's life
Car crosses past the crime scene and Rocket, ushering in a new time period,
The car driving through the left of the screen *swipes* in a new frame
Musical cues of 1970s style music suggests a new time period
New clothes/style
Cleaner cut teenagers
Still the same favela?
Looks nicer and more urbanized (which they knew was
Now Rocket is 16, hanging with hippies, and very invested in photography
Also likes this girl Angelica
"gang of groovies"
Rocket was the designated photographer of their gang
Dissolves and use of characters as "ghosts" to speed up time while telling the
story of the apartment
Narration over the story
What we're being told is what we see on the screen… no discrepancies in
time between the two
Benny and Lil Dice are drug lords now, running their operations out of this
apartment (?) -- were they at once working under Carrot?
Lil Dice has changed his name to Lil Ze
Now we're telling the story of Lil Ze
Dissolve flashbacks to Lil Ze as a child "Lil Dice"
He always wanted to be the boss of the City of God
Flashback shows us that he was the murderer in the massacre at the
motel that night…. Killing those people to satisfy his "thirst to kill"
Revealed that Lil Dice killed Goose when he robbed Lil Dice and
Benny is Shaggy's brother
Like the next generation of hoodlums then.. They
definitely ran everything now
The flashback story of Lil Dice revealed important information about
the past through Lil Dice's visual perspective (story still told through
the perspective/narration of Rocket)
Lil Dice/Ze and Benny got rid of everyone in the drug dealing business except for
Carrot (another dealer)
Only reason Dice didn't kill Carrot is because he was an old friend of
Flashbacks go back to present time from Lil Dice's perspective
We followed him on his killing sprees and attempts to take over the City
of God
**go and look at the visual and auditory cues that signal
shifts in time**
Back at the apartment, we see Carrot get shot but are told he will live so he can
work for Dice
Discussion of the drug dealing business
How you advance in the industry
How you distribute
City of God became more peaceful because there was no more competition for
Lil Dice/Ze
He killed all of his enemies, so there were no more violent shootouts
Only reason Lil Ze wasn't truly king was because drug dealing was illegal
Lil Runts -- new gang of young boys
First of many run ins between Runts and Rocket
Angelica left Tiago
Tiago = coke addict after
Easily manipulated by dealers
Blacky = pink shirt
Benny and Tiago become friends -- going shopping together, etc.
Benny doesn’t want to deal anymore either
"I've become a playboy" - Benny
Benny has more of a fun time - "was the coolest hood in the City of God"
Benny was told to shoot Carrot but refuses
Split screen of Benny and _____
Benny was having a good time
_____ was obsessed with taking over Carrots racket
Rocket's still trying to be with Angelica but Angelica and Benny are a thing
Confrontation between Carrot and Lil Ze
Moe about the runts
Wreak havoc in the slum
Don’t respect residents
Trouble in Carrots section
City had still become much safer for residents.. Barely hold ups
Initiation scene - Steak has to choose one of the runts and kill one
"you're one of us" after he shoots boy in the head
Benny and Angelica together
Lil Ze well-respected by residents of favela
Rocket still "a loser"
Got a job
Time jump/
"A Sucker's Life"
Showing rocket working in a supermarket
Might be a little bit older
"Honesty doesn't pay, sucker"
"Playing With Crime"
Rocket decided to engage in crime
Has a gun on the bus, showing that he's done living an honest lifestyle
Freezeframe and clicking of the gun on the bus man's face
"he didn't know he would have to [fight]."
Rocket off to his first hold-up which was unsuccessful because he's too soft and
such a lover
Lil Ze trying to kill ____, Benny again convinces Ze to let him go
Benny and Angelica decide to leave the slums and quit dealing
Benny's farewell disco party
Benny was a nice guy who was good at getting people together, and
didn’t belong in the life of a hoodlum
For once, Lil Ze was out of place at this party
Lil Ze doesn’t want Benny to leave, saying he wants to take over Carrot's
drug business with Benny
Benny stands up ad says he's had enough
Flashback clip to Benny and Ze as kids, arms around each other in
the streets having fun
Ze is taunting someone Knockout Ned and demands him to publicly strip,
humiliating him
Benny deals one more time for a camera (mentions that Rocket would
love it)
Gives the camera to Rocket
Ze and Benny argue while the party is really picking up, music is playing,
strobe lights going
Cant see who got shot, or who did the shooting
No subtitles
"They've killed Benny"
Quiet emptiness of the hall
Music stops
Sounds hollow
Blacky was the one who killed Benny
Blacky says he was aiming at Lil Ze
He was trying to shoot Ze because he wanted to take Carrot out
Benny was the only one who was holding Ze back from killing Carrot,
now that Benny died, Ze was free to do what he wanted
Lil Ze rape scene
Approached a girl, got rejected
Follows the girl and her boyfriend, known in the city as "Knockout Ned"
who was very handsome and kind
Rapes Ned's girlfriend
Blackout of certain clips
"just enjoy it"
Mob of men looking for Ned, brother comes out and tries to work things out
Ned's brother avenges Ned by stabbing Lil Ze
Lil Ze's mob goes on a shooting spree, killing Ned's brother and another
Very dark shadows, cannot see much as it is nighttime and there is very little (if
any) electricity in this part of town
Makes it a little difficult to see who is who
Ned is seeking revenge against Lil Ze… and now Ze has yet another enemy
Ze has recruited "Steak'n'Fries" to be in this war against Ned
Split screen again
Knockout Ned has sided with Carrot to take out Lil Ze
War between both sides, and they're rounding up "soldiers"
A bunch of trigger happy people killing senselessly
Interesting that they say the Our Father in preparation for unnecessary
Ned's side outnumbered Ze's
Rocket decides to leave the slum and become a reporter/photojournalist
Time skip??
War is still going after some period of time, City of God divided over it
No longer safe
Anyone living there was considered a hoodlum
So many excuses for this war continuing, seems like no one remembers
the real reason
Tiago, back to work with Lil Ze
Heavy media interest in the war going on in the City of God
Knockout Ned arrested and interviewed
Says mostly innocent people dying because of this
Photo-ops with Lil Ze and {media?}
Summons Rocket to take photos for him and his gang
Comedic element… Rocket is now their paparazzi
Just photos for fun
Rocket takes the film to be developed
Are the photos going to be published??
"I'm in deep shit now" - Rocket
The pictures weren't supposed to be published, just developed
"someone just signed my death sentence" - Rocket
Lil Ze is going to flip that the photos were printed
Lil Ze sees the paper and his photos and actually enjoys them
Funny because at the same time, Rocket is losing it that he's published
Ze says Rocket is a good photographer and wants him to take more
Meanwhile, Rocket is trying to find new living arrangements because he
thinks he's sure to die
Dissolve ghostly character thing used again in the reporter's apartment
Showing time going by
Rocket loses his virginity with the reporter
Carrot helped Ned escape jail without shooting anyone
Lil Ze recruits the Runts to be on his side against Carrot in this war
Gives them weapons
"the Beginning of the End"
Back to how the movie starts
Literally the opening sequences repeating
Lil Ze will kill you if he finds you
Camera spinning again but time doesn’t change, because now we're officially up
to date - 1980s
Rocket caught between gang and cops
See Tiago and Ze
Rocket takes out his camera and starts shooting, capturing the gang
Gets a shot the second Ned starts shooting at Ze and his crew
Chaotic crossfire -- city even more unsafe at this exact moment
Rocket's in hiding but still taking photos
Lil Ze's been shot, Ned told
Otto shot and Ned asks "why did you join the war"
Flashback to meeting Otto
wanted to get his father's murderer - that's why he's joined
Auditory cue of the flashback - slowed and echoed dialogue
Time skips to the end of this battle, dead bodies everywhere, Ned on the
ground hit, very quiet until sirens sound
Carrot arrested
Rocket captures Ze being taken into custody (first time we know what he
got for sure because the frame freezes and we hear the click of the
Rocket capturing photos of the cops (we see though the lens -- different
Various shots of Ze
Ze attacked by the Runts
Shot dead
Runts did so to take over the business because they outnumbered
Rocket got photographs of Ze's dead body riddled with bullet holes
Rhythmic music and beats going along with the chaos and
franticness of the events taking place
Rocket trying to decide which photos to have published
Choosing between fame and lifetime salary
Time skip to Lil Ze's death photo in the newspaper -- clearing up curiosity of
what Rocket might've decided
Rocket name change -- Wilson Rodrigues, Photographer
Lecture 13: City of God (2002)
Monday, May 14, 2018
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DIRECTED BY: Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund
Readings: Robert Stam "Tense" and David Bordwell "Narration and Time"
Cidade de Deus -- Portuguese film, English subtitles
Fast-paced shots of city life
Editing goes with the rhythm of the music
Many of the frames go along with very rhythmic music -- beats of the frames
and beats of the music nearly in sync
Shaking of the camera as if it's on the chicken's back, perspective changes and
it's now low-angled
Slow-motion frame of man with the gun, grinning
Super slow motion close-up of Lil Ze smiling holding his gun visibly near
his face
Narration over the slow motion spinning of older/teen boy
As he's being ridiculed by a mob of men chasing a chicken and relying on
him to catch it
Spins into a flashback as soon as he says "it's been that way since I was a kid"
(multiple spins)
Then we're on the field where he played soccer with title "The Sixties"
Visual cue = spinning around Rocket, slow-motion - events are shown
slower than they were before
The spinning slows down time and takes Rocket out of the space he
is in before it spins into our external flashback
We become more aware of Rocket (acknowledging that he's the
narrator) than what's going on around him [which we don't realize
or focus on until the end of the film when we're brought back to
this space]
Slow rhythm allows us to hypothesize more while earlier in
the film, the quickness of frames didn’t give us much time to
Auditory cue = wind whirling, quieting of extra diegetic sound behind the
Rocket is the boys name, also our narrator as a teen
Need Shaggy's story to start telling the story of the City of God
To tell that story, must tell the story of the Tender Trio
Shaggy, Clipper, Goose
Lil Dice and Benny (Shaggy's brother)
Our narrator is Goose's younger brother
We're back in the time when Rocket was a child - onscreen images being
narrated by the Rocket we saw back in the middle of the street
Robberies, running around the town with guns, etc.
Only doing so to support their families
Location: Rio, Brazil
Following young Rocket and his friend Stringy (?) through the slums of his town
Excited at the sight of electricity
No paved streets
Many families were homeless
Know that the area isn't very urban
Lil Dice as the mastermind of the gangs plans (as a young boy)
Proving himself as a real gangster
Wants to be a part of the Tender Trio with his brother, but he's just a kid
Still creates their plans that they are just needed to execute
Sequence of robbing the motel rooms while patrons are having sex
We are set to believe that all of these things are happening at the same
One gang-member per room to rob
What makes us think this?
Dissolve between the quietness of the motel kitchen and the loudness of the car
driving and the Trio yelling at each other
Separation of space
Divide in the center of the screen like a wall
Also leading us to think these things are happening at the same time
Being shown two scenes at once
Are the people in the kitchen all dead? Surely they aren't just there
Later revealed that Lil Dice went back into the motel and killed
everyone because he wanted to take on the role as a hoodlum and
no one would allow it
Slow motion of the dewdrop falling off the leaf
Emptiness of sound
Shaggy love at first sight (?)
When the flame illuminates the girl's face
Guitar strings start to play only as they lock eyes
Snap back to the reality that the cops are after him
Days passing because we see the nights turn into days
Bullet travelling through space speeds up time and hits the mirror as a snap into
another place/time period
Back into the home where Goose is being punished
The only sound we hear is the whizzing of the bullet and Rocket's
Rocket = Narrator, telling the story from his older perspective (where we saw
him in the favela).. Talking about his older brother Goose (and his friends, the
Tender Trio) as he remembers from his childhood
Shaggy arguing with girlfriend about the night of the massacre.. Shaggy insisting
he didn’t kill anyone
Clipper plans to rejoin the Church after getting caught up in this Tender Trio
Goose said he was going to stop messing around, "But a hood doesn't stop. A
hood takes a break"
Goose messing with Shorty's wife and gets caught
Shorty beats his wife after he catches her and Goose having sex
Police involved yet again, this time going after Rocket for his brother's
Police raid Goose and Rocket's home
Goose practically disowned and never seen by his parents again
Because he later dies
Tender Trio has fallen apart
Lil Dice found after they thought he was dead at the motel the night of the
Goose robs Lil Dice
Seeing multiple instances of sunrise, daytime, sunset, night, and cycle back to
Knowing that many days are passing
Shaggy fleeing the town in the same hoodlum way he knows how after cops
infiltrate the favela due to an increased amount of violence in the town
Cops are still after Tender Trio
Shaggy shot trying to escape the favela, killed.
Rocket remembering the mass of people and cameras surrounding Shaggy
Rocket says he always wanted a camera
Camera becomes HUGE in the story and Rocket's life
Car crosses past the crime scene and Rocket, ushering in a new time period,
The car driving through the left of the screen *swipes* in a new frame
Musical cues of 1970s style music suggests a new time period
New clothes/style
Cleaner cut teenagers
Still the same favela?
Looks nicer and more urbanized (which they knew was
Now Rocket is 16, hanging with hippies, and very invested in photography
Also likes this girl Angelica
"gang of groovies"
Rocket was the designated photographer of their gang
Dissolves and use of characters as "ghosts" to speed up time while telling the
story of the apartment
Narration over the story
What we're being told is what we see on the screen… no discrepancies in
time between the two
Benny and Lil Dice are drug lords now, running their operations out of this
apartment (?) -- were they at once working under Carrot?
Lil Dice has changed his name to Lil Ze
Now we're telling the story of Lil Ze
Dissolve flashbacks to Lil Ze as a child "Lil Dice"
He always wanted to be the boss of the City of God
Flashback shows us that he was the murderer in the massacre at the
motel that night…. Killing those people to satisfy his "thirst to kill"
Revealed that Lil Dice killed Goose when he robbed Lil Dice and
Benny is Shaggy's brother
Like the next generation of hoodlums then.. They
definitely ran everything now
The flashback story of Lil Dice revealed important information about
the past through Lil Dice's visual perspective (story still told through
the perspective/narration of Rocket)
Lil Dice/Ze and Benny got rid of everyone in the drug dealing business except for
Carrot (another dealer)
Only reason Dice didn't kill Carrot is because he was an old friend of
Flashbacks go back to present time from Lil Dice's perspective
We followed him on his killing sprees and attempts to take over the City
of God
**go and look at the visual and auditory cues that signal
shifts in time**
Back at the apartment, we see Carrot get shot but are told he will live so he can
work for Dice
Discussion of the drug dealing business
How you advance in the industry
How you distribute
City of God became more peaceful because there was no more competition for
Lil Dice/Ze
He killed all of his enemies, so there were no more violent shootouts
Only reason Lil Ze wasn't truly king was because drug dealing was illegal
Lil Runts -- new gang of young boys
First of many run ins between Runts and Rocket
Angelica left Tiago
Tiago = coke addict after
Easily manipulated by dealers
Blacky = pink shirt
Benny and Tiago become friends -- going shopping together, etc.
Benny doesn’t want to deal anymore either
"I've become a playboy" - Benny
Benny has more of a fun time - "was the coolest hood in the City of God"
Benny was told to shoot Carrot but refuses
Split screen of Benny and _____
Benny was having a good time
_____ was obsessed with taking over Carrots racket
Rocket's still trying to be with Angelica but Angelica and Benny are a thing
Confrontation between Carrot and Lil Ze
Moe about the runts
Wreak havoc in the slum
Don’t respect residents
Trouble in Carrots section
City had still become much safer for residents.. Barely hold ups
Initiation scene - Steak has to choose one of the runts and kill one
"you're one of us" after he shoots boy in the head
Benny and Angelica together
Lil Ze well-respected by residents of favela
Rocket still "a loser"
Got a job
Time jump/
"A Sucker's Life"
Showing rocket working in a supermarket
Might be a little bit older
"Honesty doesn't pay, sucker"
"Playing With Crime"
Rocket decided to engage in crime
Has a gun on the bus, showing that he's done living an honest lifestyle
Freezeframe and clicking of the gun on the bus man's face
"he didn't know he would have to [fight]."
Rocket off to his first hold-up which was unsuccessful because he's too soft and
such a lover
Lil Ze trying to kill ____, Benny again convinces Ze to let him go
Benny and Angelica decide to leave the slums and quit dealing
Benny's farewell disco party
Benny was a nice guy who was good at getting people together, and
didn’t belong in the life of a hoodlum
For once, Lil Ze was out of place at this party
Lil Ze doesn’t want Benny to leave, saying he wants to take over Carrot's
drug business with Benny
Benny stands up ad says he's had enough
Flashback clip to Benny and Ze as kids, arms around each other in
the streets having fun
Ze is taunting someone Knockout Ned and demands him to publicly strip,
humiliating him
Benny deals one more time for a camera (mentions that Rocket would
love it)
Gives the camera to Rocket
Ze and Benny argue while the party is really picking up, music is playing,
strobe lights going
Cant see who got shot, or who did the shooting
No subtitles
"They've killed Benny"
Quiet emptiness of the hall
Music stops
Sounds hollow
Blacky was the one who killed Benny
Blacky says he was aiming at Lil Ze
He was trying to shoot Ze because he wanted to take Carrot out
Benny was the only one who was holding Ze back from killing Carrot,
now that Benny died, Ze was free to do what he wanted
Lil Ze rape scene
Approached a girl, got rejected
Follows the girl and her boyfriend, known in the city as "Knockout Ned"
who was very handsome and kind
Rapes Ned's girlfriend
Blackout of certain clips
"just enjoy it"
Mob of men looking for Ned, brother comes out and tries to work things out
Ned's brother avenges Ned by stabbing Lil Ze
Lil Ze's mob goes on a shooting spree, killing Ned's brother and another
Very dark shadows, cannot see much as it is nighttime and there is very little (if
any) electricity in this part of town
Makes it a little difficult to see who is who
Ned is seeking revenge against Lil Ze… and now Ze has yet another enemy
Ze has recruited "Steak'n'Fries" to be in this war against Ned
Split screen again
Knockout Ned has sided with Carrot to take out Lil Ze
War between both sides, and they're rounding up "soldiers"
A bunch of trigger happy people killing senselessly
Interesting that they say the Our Father in preparation for unnecessary
Ned's side outnumbered Ze's
Rocket decides to leave the slum and become a reporter/photojournalist
Time skip??
War is still going after some period of time, City of God divided over it
No longer safe
Anyone living there was considered a hoodlum
So many excuses for this war continuing, seems like no one remembers
the real reason
Tiago, back to work with Lil Ze
Heavy media interest in the war going on in the City of God
Knockout Ned arrested and interviewed
Says mostly innocent people dying because of this
Photo-ops with Lil Ze and {media?}
Summons Rocket to take photos for him and his gang
Comedic element… Rocket is now their paparazzi
Just photos for fun
Rocket takes the film to be developed
Are the photos going to be published??
"I'm in deep shit now" - Rocket
The pictures weren't supposed to be published, just developed
"someone just signed my death sentence" - Rocket
Lil Ze is going to flip that the photos were printed
Lil Ze sees the paper and his photos and actually enjoys them
Funny because at the same time, Rocket is losing it that he's published
Ze says Rocket is a good photographer and wants him to take more
Meanwhile, Rocket is trying to find new living arrangements because he
thinks he's sure to die
Dissolve ghostly character thing used again in the reporter's apartment
Showing time going by
Rocket loses his virginity with the reporter
Carrot helped Ned escape jail without shooting anyone
Lil Ze recruits the Runts to be on his side against Carrot in this war
Gives them weapons
"the Beginning of the End"
Back to how the movie starts
Literally the opening sequences repeating
Lil Ze will kill you if he finds you
Camera spinning again but time doesn’t change, because now we're officially up
to date - 1980s
Rocket caught between gang and cops
See Tiago and Ze
Rocket takes out his camera and starts shooting, capturing the gang
Gets a shot the second Ned starts shooting at Ze and his crew
Chaotic crossfire -- city even more unsafe at this exact moment
Rocket's in hiding but still taking photos
Lil Ze's been shot, Ned told
Otto shot and Ned asks "why did you join the war"
Flashback to meeting Otto
wanted to get his father's murderer - that's why he's joined
Auditory cue of the flashback - slowed and echoed dialogue
Time skips to the end of this battle, dead bodies everywhere, Ned on the
ground hit, very quiet until sirens sound
Carrot arrested
Rocket captures Ze being taken into custody (first time we know what he
got for sure because the frame freezes and we hear the click of the
Rocket capturing photos of the cops (we see though the lens -- different
Various shots of Ze
Ze attacked by the Runts
Shot dead
Runts did so to take over the business because they outnumbered
Rocket got photographs of Ze's dead body riddled with bullet holes
Rhythmic music and beats going along with the chaos and
franticness of the events taking place
Rocket trying to decide which photos to have published
Choosing between fame and lifetime salary
Time skip to Lil Ze's death photo in the newspaper -- clearing up curiosity of
what Rocket might've decided
Rocket name change -- Wilson Rodrigues, Photographer
Lecture 13: City of God (2002)
Monday, May 14, 2018 4:15 PM
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DIRECTED BY: Fernando Meirelles and Katia Lund
Readings: Robert Stam "Tense" and David Bordwell "Narration and Time"
Cidade de Deus -- Portuguese film, English subtitles
Fast-paced shots of city life
Editing goes with the rhythm of the music
Many of the frames go along with very rhythmic music -- beats of the frames
and beats of the music nearly in sync
Shaking of the camera as if it's on the chicken's back, perspective changes and
it's now low-angled
Slow-motion frame of man with the gun, grinning
Super slow motion close-up of Lil Ze smiling holding his gun visibly near
his face
Narration over the slow motion spinning of older/teen boy
As he's being ridiculed by a mob of men chasing a chicken and relying on
him to catch it
Spins into a flashback as soon as he says "it's been that way since I was a kid"
(multiple spins)
Then we're on the field where he played soccer with title "The Sixties"
Visual cue = spinning around Rocket, slow-motion - events are shown
slower than they were before
The spinning slows down time and takes Rocket out of the space he
is in before it spins into our external flashback
We become more aware of Rocket (acknowledging that he's the
narrator) than what's going on around him [which we don't realize
or focus on until the end of the film when we're brought back to
this space]
Slow rhythm allows us to hypothesize more while earlier in
the film, the quickness of frames didn’t give us much time to
Auditory cue = wind whirling, quieting of extra diegetic sound behind the
Rocket is the boys name, also our narrator as a teen
Need Shaggy's story to start telling the story of the City of God
To tell that story, must tell the story of the Tender Trio
Shaggy, Clipper, Goose
Lil Dice and Benny (Shaggy's brother)
Our narrator is Goose's younger brother
We're back in the time when Rocket was a child - onscreen images being
narrated by the Rocket we saw back in the middle of the street
Robberies, running around the town with guns, etc.
Only doing so to support their families
Location: Rio, Brazil
Following young Rocket and his friend Stringy (?) through the slums of his town
Excited at the sight of electricity
No paved streets
Many families were homeless
Know that the area isn't very urban
Lil Dice as the mastermind of the gangs plans (as a young boy)
Proving himself as a real gangster
Wants to be a part of the Tender Trio with his brother, but he's just a kid
Still creates their plans that they are just needed to execute
Sequence of robbing the motel rooms while patrons are having sex
We are set to believe that all of these things are happening at the same
One gang-member per room to rob
What makes us think this?
Dissolve between the quietness of the motel kitchen and the loudness of the car
driving and the Trio yelling at each other
Separation of space
Divide in the center of the screen like a wall
Also leading us to think these things are happening at the same time
Being shown two scenes at once
Are the people in the kitchen all dead? Surely they aren't just there
Later revealed that Lil Dice went back into the motel and killed
everyone because he wanted to take on the role as a hoodlum and
no one would allow it
Slow motion of the dewdrop falling off the leaf
Emptiness of sound
Shaggy love at first sight (?)
When the flame illuminates the girl's face
Guitar strings start to play only as they lock eyes
Snap back to the reality that the cops are after him
Days passing because we see the nights turn into days
Bullet travelling through space speeds up time and hits the mirror as a snap into
another place/time period
Back into the home where Goose is being punished
The only sound we hear is the whizzing of the bullet and Rocket's
Rocket = Narrator, telling the story from his older perspective (where we saw
him in the favela).. Talking about his older brother Goose (and his friends, the
Tender Trio) as he remembers from his childhood
Shaggy arguing with girlfriend about the night of the massacre.. Shaggy insisting
he didn’t kill anyone
Clipper plans to rejoin the Church after getting caught up in this Tender Trio
Goose said he was going to stop messing around, "But a hood doesn't stop. A
hood takes a break"
Goose messing with Shorty's wife and gets caught
Shorty beats his wife after he catches her and Goose having sex
Police involved yet again, this time going after Rocket for his brother's
Police raid Goose and Rocket's home
Goose practically disowned and never seen by his parents again
Because he later dies
Tender Trio has fallen apart
Lil Dice found after they thought he was dead at the motel the night of the
Goose robs Lil Dice
Seeing multiple instances of sunrise, daytime, sunset, night, and cycle back to
Knowing that many days are passing
Shaggy fleeing the town in the same hoodlum way he knows how after cops
infiltrate the favela due to an increased amount of violence in the town
Cops are still after Tender Trio
Shaggy shot trying to escape the favela, killed.
Rocket remembering the mass of people and cameras surrounding Shaggy
Rocket says he always wanted a camera
Camera becomes HUGE in the story and Rocket's life
Car crosses past the crime scene and Rocket, ushering in a new time period,
The car driving through the left of the screen *swipes* in a new frame
Musical cues of 1970s style music suggests a new time period
New clothes/style
Cleaner cut teenagers
Still the same favela?
Looks nicer and more urbanized (which they knew was
Now Rocket is 16, hanging with hippies, and very invested in photography
Also likes this girl Angelica
"gang of groovies"
Rocket was the designated photographer of their gang
Dissolves and use of characters as "ghosts" to speed up time while telling the
story of the apartment
Narration over the story
What we're being told is what we see on the screen… no discrepancies in
time between the two
Benny and Lil Dice are drug lords now, running their operations out of this
apartment (?) -- were they at once working under Carrot?
Lil Dice has changed his name to Lil Ze
Now we're telling the story of Lil Ze
Dissolve flashbacks to Lil Ze as a child "Lil Dice"
He always wanted to be the boss of the City of God
Flashback shows us that he was the murderer in the massacre at the
motel that night…. Killing those people to satisfy his "thirst to kill"
Revealed that Lil Dice killed Goose when he robbed Lil Dice and
Benny is Shaggy's brother
Like the next generation of hoodlums then.. They
definitely ran everything now
The flashback story of Lil Dice revealed important information about
the past through Lil Dice's visual perspective (story still told through
the perspective/narration of Rocket)
Lil Dice/Ze and Benny got rid of everyone in the drug dealing business except for
Carrot (another dealer)
Only reason Dice didn't kill Carrot is because he was an old friend of
Flashbacks go back to present time from Lil Dice's perspective
We followed him on his killing sprees and attempts to take over the City
of God
**go and look at the visual and auditory cues that signal
shifts in time**
Back at the apartment, we see Carrot get shot but are told he will live so he can
work for Dice
Discussion of the drug dealing business
How you advance in the industry
How you distribute
City of God became more peaceful because there was no more competition for
Lil Dice/Ze
He killed all of his enemies, so there were no more violent shootouts
Only reason Lil Ze wasn't truly king was because drug dealing was illegal
Lil Runts -- new gang of young boys
First of many run ins between Runts and Rocket
Angelica left Tiago
Tiago = coke addict after
Easily manipulated by dealers
Blacky = pink shirt
Benny and Tiago become friends -- going shopping together, etc.
Benny doesn’t want to deal anymore either
"I've become a playboy" - Benny
Benny has more of a fun time - "was the coolest hood in the City of God"
Benny was told to shoot Carrot but refuses
Split screen of Benny and _____
Benny was having a good time
_____ was obsessed with taking over Carrots racket
Rocket's still trying to be with Angelica but Angelica and Benny are a thing
Confrontation between Carrot and Lil Ze
Moe about the runts
Wreak havoc in the slum
Don’t respect residents
Trouble in Carrots section
City had still become much safer for residents.. Barely hold ups
Initiation scene - Steak has to choose one of the runts and kill one
"you're one of us" after he shoots boy in the head
Benny and Angelica together
Lil Ze well-respected by residents of favela
Rocket still "a loser"
Got a job
Time jump/
"A Sucker's Life"
Showing rocket working in a supermarket
Might be a little bit older
"Honesty doesn't pay, sucker"
"Playing With Crime"
Rocket decided to engage in crime
Has a gun on the bus, showing that he's done living an honest lifestyle
Freezeframe and clicking of the gun on the bus man's face
"he didn't know he would have to [fight]."
Rocket off to his first hold-up which was unsuccessful because he's too soft and
such a lover
Lil Ze trying to kill ____, Benny again convinces Ze to let him go
Benny and Angelica decide to leave the slums and quit dealing
Benny's farewell disco party
Benny was a nice guy who was good at getting people together, and
didn’t belong in the life of a hoodlum
For once, Lil Ze was out of place at this party
Lil Ze doesn’t want Benny to leave, saying he wants to take over Carrot's
drug business with Benny
Benny stands up ad says he's had enough
Flashback clip to Benny and Ze as kids, arms around each other in
the streets having fun
Ze is taunting someone Knockout Ned and demands him to publicly strip,
humiliating him
Benny deals one more time for a camera (mentions that Rocket would
love it)
Gives the camera to Rocket
Ze and Benny argue while the party is really picking up, music is playing,
strobe lights going
Cant see who got shot, or who did the shooting
No subtitles
"They've killed Benny"
Quiet emptiness of the hall
Music stops
Sounds hollow
Blacky was the one who killed Benny
Blacky says he was aiming at Lil Ze
He was trying to shoot Ze because he wanted to take Carrot out
Benny was the only one who was holding Ze back from killing Carrot,
now that Benny died, Ze was free to do what he wanted
Lil Ze rape scene
Approached a girl, got rejected
Follows the girl and her boyfriend, known in the city as "Knockout Ned"
who was very handsome and kind
Rapes Ned's girlfriend
Blackout of certain clips
"just enjoy it"
Mob of men looking for Ned, brother comes out and tries to work things out
Ned's brother avenges Ned by stabbing Lil Ze
Lil Ze's mob goes on a shooting spree, killing Ned's brother and another
Very dark shadows, cannot see much as it is nighttime and there is very little (if
any) electricity in this part of town
Makes it a little difficult to see who is who
Ned is seeking revenge against Lil Ze… and now Ze has yet another enemy
Ze has recruited "Steak'n'Fries" to be in this war against Ned
Split screen again
Knockout Ned has sided with Carrot to take out Lil Ze
War between both sides, and they're rounding up "soldiers"
A bunch of trigger happy people killing senselessly
Interesting that they say the Our Father in preparation for unnecessary
Ned's side outnumbered Ze's
Rocket decides to leave the slum and become a reporter/photojournalist
Time skip??
War is still going after some period of time, City of God divided over it
No longer safe
Anyone living there was considered a hoodlum
So many excuses for this war continuing, seems like no one remembers
the real reason
Tiago, back to work with Lil Ze
Heavy media interest in the war going on in the City of God
Knockout Ned arrested and interviewed
Says mostly innocent people dying because of this
Photo-ops with Lil Ze and {media?}
Summons Rocket to take photos for him and his gang
Comedic element… Rocket is now their paparazzi
Just photos for fun
Rocket takes the film to be developed
Are the photos going to be published??
"I'm in deep shit now" - Rocket
The pictures weren't supposed to be published, just developed
"someone just signed my death sentence" - Rocket
Lil Ze is going to flip that the photos were printed
Lil Ze sees the paper and his photos and actually enjoys them
Funny because at the same time, Rocket is losing it that he's published
Ze says Rocket is a good photographer and wants him to take more
Meanwhile, Rocket is trying to find new living arrangements because he
thinks he's sure to die
Dissolve ghostly character thing used again in the reporter's apartment
Showing time going by
Rocket loses his virginity with the reporter
Carrot helped Ned escape jail without shooting anyone
Lil Ze recruits the Runts to be on his side against Carrot in this war
Gives them weapons
"the Beginning of the End"
Back to how the movie starts
Literally the opening sequences repeating
Lil Ze will kill you if he finds you
Camera spinning again but time doesn’t change, because now we're officially up
to date - 1980s
Rocket caught between gang and cops
See Tiago and Ze
Rocket takes out his camera and starts shooting, capturing the gang
Gets a shot the second Ned starts shooting at Ze and his crew
Chaotic crossfire -- city even more unsafe at this exact moment
Rocket's in hiding but still taking photos
Lil Ze's been shot, Ned told
Otto shot and Ned asks "why did you join the war"
Flashback to meeting Otto
wanted to get his father's murderer - that's why he's joined
Auditory cue of the flashback - slowed and echoed dialogue
Time skips to the end of this battle, dead bodies everywhere, Ned on the
ground hit, very quiet until sirens sound
Carrot arrested
Rocket captures Ze being taken into custody (first time we know what he
got for sure because the frame freezes and we hear the click of the
Rocket capturing photos of the cops (we see though the lens -- different
Various shots of Ze
Ze attacked by the Runts
Shot dead
Runts did so to take over the business because they outnumbered
Rocket got photographs of Ze's dead body riddled with bullet holes
Rhythmic music and beats going along with the chaos and
franticness of the events taking place
Rocket trying to decide which photos to have published
Choosing between fame and lifetime salary
Time skip to Lil Ze's death photo in the newspaper -- clearing up curiosity of
what Rocket might've decided
Rocket name change -- Wilson Rodrigues, Photographer
Lecture 13: City of God (2002)
Monday, May 14, 2018 4:15 PM
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Document Summary

Readings: robert stam "tense" and david bordwell "narration and time" Cidade de deus -- portuguese film, english subtitles. Editing goes with the rhythm of the music. Many of the frames go along with very rhythmic music -- beats of the frames and beats of the music nearly in sync. Shaking of the camera as if it"s on the chicken"s back, perspective changes and it"s now low-angled. Slow-motion frame of man with the gun, grinning. Super slow motion close-up of lil ze smiling holding his gun visibly near his face. Narration over the slow motion spinning of older/teen boy. As he"s being ridiculed by a mob of men chasing a chicken and relying on him to catch it. Spins into a flashback as soon as he says "it"s been that way since i was a kid" (multiple spins) Then we"re on the field where he played soccer with title "the sixties"

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