FAMST 96 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Eyeline Match, Establishing Shot, Xylophone

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Opening narration and somber music
Narration of a girl (sounds like a teen)
Shadows evident
Long establishing shots of the neighborhood
Fort Dupree, South Dakota
Garbage truck is the focus of next frames
Loudness of the garbage truck mechanisms
Cut to a young girl twirling a baton in the middle of the street
"Would end in the badlands of Montana"
Her narration leads me to think that a story will be told about her life
from her perspective
Opening credits
Lighter xylophone music as younger man walks down the alleyway we saw in
the earlier establishing shot
Eyeline match of man seeing young girl twirling baton in her yard
She seems around 16/17? Very young face. Her name is Holly.
He introduces himself as Kit Carruthers
He invites her to take a walk which is a little strange as he seems a lot older and
doesn’t even know her
The greaser is a garbage man and Holly says her father wouldn't approve
Farm town, manual labor is evident as central to life around there
Kit seems to be much older than Holly, very dark and seems burdened
Holly begins to narrate about Kit as he comes to see her
Use of shot/reverse-shot between Kit and Holly as their conversation progresses
Kit and Holly go on a walk again
Does walking become an important motif?
Common to roam the streets as a leisurely activity
Holly's narration of their relationship over the shots of Kit working on a cattle
farm (?) -- animal abuse, probably a slaughter farm
Feed lot
Holly reveals she was 15, but Kit liked her because she seemed older and wasn't
like other giggly girls
Repetition of the keyed music (what instrument is this??)
"he wanted to die with me, and I dreamed of being forever lost in his arms"
Holly narrating what Kit feels, from her perspective
From what we see of him, it doesn’t seem like he's as head-over-heels as
she says
Darkness when Kit is alone
Shadow usage is heavy
Symbolic of his personality and perhaps past (we don’t know anything
about him before he meets Holly)
So far, Kit has not portrayed the same dreaminess as Holly has or says
Importance of scenery and nature
Parks, fields, ponds/lakes/rivers, etc.
Music again
"kit made a solemn vow [to me]" - Holly's fantasy thoughts?
"Something must've told him that we'd never live these days of happiness
Obvious they'd drifted apart in the way Kit treated Holly
Could potentially be a turning point in the film's direction and how they
interact w/ one another
Death of animals is major in this film
Scene of Holly's dog getting shot done with no dialogue, although Holly is seen
talking, but the only thing we hear is the score playing again
Kit in conversation with his boss (?) finally confides how he feels about Holly;
states that he has a lot of respect for her, etc.
This man was actually Holly's father who tells him to never be seen by
them again
As Kit walks away, ominous and eerie music plays
Rather foreshadowing that Kit obviously didn’t take this lightly and plans
on revenge?
Later cut to kit showing up at Holly's house and sneaking in
Holly and her father show up to the house and find Kit inside with a gun,
saying that he plans to take Holly off with him wherever he goes
Kit is obviously unstable… breaking into Holly's house and shooting her father
Holly's reaction is less than mortified which seems very unusual
Why is she not angry or reacting towards Kit?
Score again of single notes being played, barely noticeable
Darkness of the shots of Kit dragging father through the house and to the
Quiet eeriness of the night and emptiness of the house
All Holly does to react to Kit killing her father is slap him once across the face
Kit always says that Holly can do what she wants
She can call the police if she'd like
She can run away from him, etc.
Same somber key/string music playing as Holly is left alone to walk through her
Holly's silhouette from the window
"my girl Holly and I decided to kill ourselves, same way I did her dad' - Kit
Kit talking to a recorder
A vocal suicide note
Before the recorder is shown, it seems as if Kit is breaking the fourth wall
and talking directly to the audience
Cut to Kit frantically pouring gas all over the house… he plays the recording
"Kit left the record playing over and over for the district attorney to find"
House is engulfed in flames
Car drives away into the darkness
Music plays as everything burns, first time the music has lyrics
Sounds choir-like
Kit's new name = James, Holly's new name = Priscilla
They were running to the north
Holly seems accepting of this new life she's about to live with Kit, and not
at all scared
The score is constant.. Plays almost every time Holly narrates
This time, over the nature where Holly/Kit moved to is a lot more cheerful
Closeups of trees, bugs, etc.
Layering of sounds
Diegetic sound
They left to live in the wilderness where they teach themselves how to survive
"we had our bad moments like any couple" "mostly though, we got along fine
and stayed in love"
From her perspective, this is what she saw was going on as a naïve and
impressionable 15 year old
Holly reveals her mother died
She also says the rest of the days followed dreadfully and she wishes she could
fall asleep and pretend his never happened
Dissolve between Kit shooting into the water and Kit sitting in a field
Whispering… is this a part of score?
Haunting music and cuts between the chicken, Holly, and a watchful Kit
Buildup to Holly and Kit running as they've been found by someone
Guns and shooting as a motif
There's more than one man in the forest
They were coming for reward money held on Holly and Kit for what they
did back home - three bounty hunters shot dead by Kit
Kit and holly go to stay with Kit's friend… chicken being offered as a gift
Space in the film so far is abundant
Everything looks never-ending, far and wide
Lots of open space and fields
Holly speaks to the fact that it is lonely but good.. Not having
anyone around or in sight makes it seem endless
Holly's reference to a "marble hall" when she and Kit laid
under the trees and talked quietly = abundance of space,
bigness of atmosphere
Holly and kit wandering through dirt field playing around
When they leave the forest, they go to stay with Kit's friend Cato, who runs
away suspiciously like he is going to turn Kit and Holly in
At this slight thought, Kit shoots Cato dead in the stomach
A young couple come to visit and Kit locks them up in an underground shed for
a little while
He shot into the shed and says "think I got 'em?"
Holly and Kit run away as usual
Dissolve transitions faintly passing time
Kit was extremely trigger heavy and wanted to shoot all witnesses
Same score music playing again as Holly looks onto Kit after he locks Cato in a
There is repetition of where Kit puts the dead bodies… he traps them in a
Holly's father was shot and dragged to either a basement or a shed
Cato was shot and put in a shed
The young couple at Cato's were shot inside of an underground
Lack of space
USA went into complete guard when they found out Kit was on the run and had
No one went outside
People loaded up with weaponry
Kit and Holly show up to a house to stay and escape for a little while
Largeness of the house - mansion
Kit robbed the house, but gave the man a list of what he took form the
house, including his Cadillac
In another trapping restriction of space, Kit locks the man and the maid up in a
room, but spares their lives
Constant traveling of being on the run shows how vast the scenery is
Focus on nature in the film
Dense forests
Detailed skies
Vast fields
Closeups of animals and bugs
Quietness of nature very obvious
Holly is growing tired of being on the run
No good food
Tired of living in solitude
Holly and Kit's makeout scene in the car is very uncomfortable
One of the times where it is painfully obvious that he is significantly older
than she is
Darkness behind Holly and Kit as their faces are illuminated in the car, driving
Increasing loudness of Nat King Cole score
When they drive, there is never anything else in sight but the sun and clouds ---
miles and miles of emptiness
Holly says she's had enough of being on the run with Kit, and turns herself over
to bounty hunters as Kit leaves
Kit has a police chase through the fields and pulls over, leading to his arrest and
"turning himself in"
Holly got probation and married her lawyer's son
Kit was sentenced to die in the electric chair
Lecture 9: Badlands (Terrence Malik) 1974
Monday, April 30, 2018
5:00 PM
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Opening narration and somber music
Narration of a girl (sounds like a teen)
Shadows evident
Long establishing shots of the neighborhood
Fort Dupree, South Dakota
Garbage truck is the focus of next frames
Loudness of the garbage truck mechanisms
Cut to a young girl twirling a baton in the middle of the street
"Would end in the badlands of Montana"
Her narration leads me to think that a story will be told about her life
from her perspective
Opening credits
Lighter xylophone music as younger man walks down the alleyway we saw in
the earlier establishing shot
Eyeline match of man seeing young girl twirling baton in her yard
She seems around 16/17? Very young face. Her name is Holly.
He introduces himself as Kit Carruthers
He invites her to take a walk which is a little strange as he seems a lot older and
doesn’t even know her
The greaser is a garbage man and Holly says her father wouldn't approve
Farm town, manual labor is evident as central to life around there
Kit seems to be much older than Holly, very dark and seems burdened
Holly begins to narrate about Kit as he comes to see her
Use of shot/reverse-shot between Kit and Holly as their conversation progresses
Kit and Holly go on a walk again
Does walking become an important motif?
Common to roam the streets as a leisurely activity
Holly's narration of their relationship over the shots of Kit working on a cattle
farm (?) -- animal abuse, probably a slaughter farm
Feed lot
Holly reveals she was 15, but Kit liked her because she seemed older and wasn't
like other giggly girls
Repetition of the keyed music (what instrument is this??)
"he wanted to die with me, and I dreamed of being forever lost in his arms"
Holly narrating what Kit feels, from her perspective
From what we see of him, it doesn’t seem like he's as head-over-heels as
she says
Darkness when Kit is alone
Shadow usage is heavy
Symbolic of his personality and perhaps past (we don’t know anything
about him before he meets Holly)
So far, Kit has not portrayed the same dreaminess as Holly has or says
Importance of scenery and nature
Parks, fields, ponds/lakes/rivers, etc.
Music again
"kit made a solemn vow [to me]" - Holly's fantasy thoughts?
"Something must've told him that we'd never live these days of happiness
Obvious they'd drifted apart in the way Kit treated Holly
Could potentially be a turning point in the film's direction and how they
interact w/ one another
Death of animals is major in this film
Scene of Holly's dog getting shot done with no dialogue, although Holly is seen
talking, but the only thing we hear is the score playing again
Kit in conversation with his boss (?) finally confides how he feels about Holly;
states that he has a lot of respect for her, etc.
This man was actually Holly's father who tells him to never be seen by
them again
As Kit walks away, ominous and eerie music plays
Rather foreshadowing that Kit obviously didn’t take this lightly and plans
on revenge?
Later cut to kit showing up at Holly's house and sneaking in
Holly and her father show up to the house and find Kit inside with a gun,
saying that he plans to take Holly off with him wherever he goes
Kit is obviously unstable… breaking into Holly's house and shooting her father
Holly's reaction is less than mortified which seems very unusual
Why is she not angry or reacting towards Kit?
Score again of single notes being played, barely noticeable
Darkness of the shots of Kit dragging father through the house and to the
Quiet eeriness of the night and emptiness of the house
All Holly does to react to Kit killing her father is slap him once across the face
Kit always says that Holly can do what she wants
She can call the police if she'd like
She can run away from him, etc.
Same somber key/string music playing as Holly is left alone to walk through her
Holly's silhouette from the window
"my girl Holly and I decided to kill ourselves, same way I did her dad' - Kit
Kit talking to a recorder
A vocal suicide note
Before the recorder is shown, it seems as if Kit is breaking the fourth wall
and talking directly to the audience
Cut to Kit frantically pouring gas all over the house… he plays the recording
"Kit left the record playing over and over for the district attorney to find"
House is engulfed in flames
Car drives away into the darkness
Music plays as everything burns, first time the music has lyrics
Sounds choir-like
Kit's new name = James, Holly's new name = Priscilla
They were running to the north
Holly seems accepting of this new life she's about to live with Kit, and not
at all scared
The score is constant.. Plays almost every time Holly narrates
This time, over the nature where Holly/Kit moved to is a lot more cheerful
Closeups of trees, bugs, etc.
Layering of sounds
Diegetic sound
They left to live in the wilderness where they teach themselves how to survive
"we had our bad moments like any couple" "mostly though, we got along fine
and stayed in love"
From her perspective, this is what she saw was going on as a naïve and
impressionable 15 year old
Holly reveals her mother died
She also says the rest of the days followed dreadfully and she wishes she could
fall asleep and pretend his never happened
Dissolve between Kit shooting into the water and Kit sitting in a field
Whispering… is this a part of score?
Haunting music and cuts between the chicken, Holly, and a watchful Kit
Buildup to Holly and Kit running as they've been found by someone
Guns and shooting as a motif
There's more than one man in the forest
They were coming for reward money held on Holly and Kit for what they
did back home - three bounty hunters shot dead by Kit
Kit and holly go to stay with Kit's friend… chicken being offered as a gift
Space in the film so far is abundant
Everything looks never-ending, far and wide
Lots of open space and fields
Holly speaks to the fact that it is lonely but good.. Not having
anyone around or in sight makes it seem endless
Holly's reference to a "marble hall" when she and Kit laid
under the trees and talked quietly = abundance of space,
bigness of atmosphere
Holly and kit wandering through dirt field playing around
When they leave the forest, they go to stay with Kit's friend Cato, who runs
away suspiciously like he is going to turn Kit and Holly in
At this slight thought, Kit shoots Cato dead in the stomach
A young couple come to visit and Kit locks them up in an underground shed for
a little while
He shot into the shed and says "think I got 'em?"
Holly and Kit run away as usual
Dissolve transitions faintly passing time
Kit was extremely trigger heavy and wanted to shoot all witnesses
Same score music playing again as Holly looks onto Kit after he locks Cato in a
There is repetition of where Kit puts the dead bodies… he traps them in a
Holly's father was shot and dragged to either a basement or a shed
Cato was shot and put in a shed
The young couple at Cato's were shot inside of an underground
Lack of space
USA went into complete guard when they found out Kit was on the run and had
No one went outside
People loaded up with weaponry
Kit and Holly show up to a house to stay and escape for a little while
Largeness of the house - mansion
Kit robbed the house, but gave the man a list of what he took form the
house, including his Cadillac
In another trapping restriction of space, Kit locks the man and the maid up in a
room, but spares their lives
Constant traveling of being on the run shows how vast the scenery is
Focus on nature in the film
Dense forests
Detailed skies
Vast fields
Closeups of animals and bugs
Quietness of nature very obvious
Holly is growing tired of being on the run
No good food
Tired of living in solitude
Holly and Kit's makeout scene in the car is very uncomfortable
One of the times where it is painfully obvious that he is significantly older
than she is
Darkness behind Holly and Kit as their faces are illuminated in the car, driving
Increasing loudness of Nat King Cole score
When they drive, there is never anything else in sight but the sun and clouds ---
miles and miles of emptiness
Holly says she's had enough of being on the run with Kit, and turns herself over
to bounty hunters as Kit leaves
Kit has a police chase through the fields and pulls over, leading to his arrest and
"turning himself in"
Holly got probation and married her lawyer's son
Kit was sentenced to die in the electric chair
Lecture 9: Badlands (Terrence Malik) 1974
Monday, April 30, 2018 5:00 PM
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Document Summary

Narration of a girl (sounds like a teen) Garbage truck is the focus of next frames. Cut to a young girl twirling a baton in the middle of the street. Her narration leads me to think that a story will be told about her life from her perspective. Lighter xylophone music as younger man walks down the alleyway we saw in the earlier establishing shot. Eyeline match of man seeing young girl twirling baton in her yard. He invites her to take a walk which is a little strange as he seems a lot older and doesn"t even know her. The greaser is a garbage man and holly says her father wouldn"t approve. Farm town, manual labor is evident as central to life around there. Kit seems to be much older than holly, very dark and seems burdened. Holly begins to narrate about kit as he comes to see her.

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