CLASS 40 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Anchises, Hygieia, Hyperborea
Document Summary
What is myth & types of myth: divine myth. Structuralism: myth is a reflection of the mind"s binary organization, claude levi-strauss. Greek stories of the creation of the gods and the world. From hesiod"s theogony (attempt to explain how world and gods came into existence) Chaos>gaea (mother earth), tartarus (region below gaea, eros (principle of love) Erebus and nyx produce their opposites aether (light) and day. Gaea and pontus (sea) > sea deities and monsters. 1st dynasty of gods: gaea and uranus> 12 titans, 3 cyclopes (one-eyed), 3 hundred- handers important titans: oceanus & tethys, cronus & rhea, hyperion & theia, iapatus, Eventually gaea becomes angry at her husband/so, because uranus did not let their children emerge from her body; keeps their children in her womb ; revolt: uranus castrated by cronus. From blood of genitals mixing with mother earth come erinyes (furies); giants; and ash tree nymphs; severed membrum of uranus flies into the sea: aphrodite is produced.