CLASS 40 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Trojan War, Thyestes, Aegisthus
Document Summary
Parents are rhea and kronos; her domain is the seasons and she is the goddess of ferility; Her atributes are grain, snakes and torches; her daughter persephone was kidnapped by. Hades and the ater coaxing by zeus she was returned (aeiology explains seasons) The search for her daughter took her to the king of eleusis where she was disguised as an old woman; she was taken in as a nurse and tried to make demophon immortal. Swore an oath that she would remain a virgin forever (even though apollo and poseidon tried to get at her) Jealous wife (and sister) of zeus; prevents leto from giving birth to apollo. Brother to zeus, known as the earth shaker; tiresia, prophet of thebes tells odysseus that. Posiedon is mad at him because he blinded his son, Born out of the foam created when ouranos" genitals were severed by his son kronos;