CLASS 40 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Thyestes, Golden Fleece, Atreus
Document Summary
Through special births, heroes have a spark of divinity. Greeks worshipped heroes way more than gods because they were more relatable. Location settled by the mycenaeans after the fall of knossos. Huge hut, built around 1000 bc buried with a woman and two horses in his house in a bronze cauldron (cremated), which got buried. Hippolytus: god who was destroyed by horses, son of theseus, own mother (phaedra) tried to make advances on him but spurned her. Mother in turn told theseus that hippolytus had raped her and theseus called upon. Dionysus who sent a wild bull that scared hippolytus" horses which dragged him to death fan of artemis, rejects aphrodite believed to be a real person his grave was in a sanctuary of aphrodite. Hyacinthus had a temple built by apollo, who felt bad for killing him. Heroes are locally speciic, usually associated with a particular city. Divine myth: deals principally with the gods and their actions.