CHEM 6AL Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Alkyne, Atomic Mass, Carbonyl Group

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5 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Distillation can be performed using a vacuum, which lowers the atmospheric pressure of the system. When distilling compounds with very high boiling points. When distilling compounds with very low vapor pressures. Something that has a high boiling point has a low vapor pressure. Heating liquids with super high boiling points may decompose compounds. Tells us about bond connections in molecules. C (speed of light) = frequency x wavelength. High frequency = high energy = short wavelength. 1/wavelength = cm ^-1 = wave numbers. Absorption bonds: intensity of absorption bonds, factors: Change in dipole moment (stronger dipole = more intense) Stretching = no dipole at all = absorb no light. Ex: c-d ~ 2200 cm^-1 (larger molecule: bond strength. Stronger bonds = higher wavenumbers: more energy to stretch them apart. Highest frequency = shortest wavelength = highest energy (large wave #"s) Lowest frequency = longest wavelength = lowest energy (small wave #"s) Cosmic rays (highest energy) the sun.